Hardware to run them is getting too costly for consumers. I think there is a solution everyone can be happy with somewhere.
Hardware to run them is getting too costly for consumers. I think there is a solution everyone can be happy with somewhere.
Art style ages much better too
Does a company own the likeness of wukong? Seems kinda silly to be mad over that.
Very misleading as the other commenter noted, did you even check the link you posted?
Honestly seems like it’d be a rough fight with stuff like the mx master on market already. Not worth the effort. Edit: I may finally jump from my g700s to a mx master soon
Can’t search for converts in a circle jerk.
You’ve gotten good time out of that system for sure. You can find good deals on ryzen 3000 and 5000 stuff right now.
Social media has been an awful tool for them to use against us. I’ve had coworkers that were let go for airing out stuff on Twitter that was pretty minor compared to something like this, usually just trash talking the company for being passed up for promotion.
Never use your real name on them.
I don’t have any without. I do have ones where it’s not mentioned in the manual but clearly there though. Edit: double checked the 9 boards I have laying around. All of them going back to 4th gen intel have them. dont have any pre ryzen amd laying around to check though.
Its part of their personality.
They remind me of my devout jehovah witness neighbor who’s been doorknocking and dropping flyers in my mailbox for 20+ years to remind me I’m going to burn if I don’t convert.
Not sure what a desire for anonymity on the internet and making sure you’re responding to the right person have to do with each other. Been on the internet for 30+ years now.
Responding again since your just gonna edit rather than repond. I didn’t think it was asking for help, I was joking.
I didn’t make it about anything, I was joking. And i assume he was nasty and combative cause he misinterpreted the big goalpost comment as an attack on them.
Nice, admire the effort. Have a nice night.
Should probably make that clearer next time you copy paste that then, very easy to misinterpret that as a attack. And yeah he was the first to do the name calling I’m not touching that.
You went from accusing him of goalpost moving to claiming youre accusing the whole community
Can none of yall read usernames? Not the same guy, you even went through the effort to quote his message and didn’t pick up on it.
Casual backpedal
Check the username dude wrong person, besides you started the whole thing by accusing them of goalpost moving.