I’m no expert and I’ve been out of the game for a while, but as I recall the platforms are all quite different. Maybe it’s common now to only allow messages between matches.
But anyway, I was referring more to the trolls and harassers that need to be banned entirely, not just blocked/ignored by individuals. These people will put nasty inappropriate stuff as their profile pics in the first place, and create new accounts just to pester others.
I don’t disagree with you. But don’t you think there’s a component of it that’s like, “Hey I want to both 1) release a game and 2) put food on table”? Since 99% of players are on Windows, actually doing both kind of necessitates building for Windows first.
As Linux gamers I think we should keep going in the direction we’ve been and making it easier and easier for devs to port to Linux or run their games through Proton and so forth. It’s been amazing and my time as a player has been so good in the last couple years. If we keep showing that, more players will come over and the userbase will grow. I’ve heard from plenty of others who have ditched Windows, because gaming was their last holdout.
The big AAA publishers aren’t struggling for basic needs. We can make demands of them. But the small inside devs? Help 'em out where you can.