Bet the blinkers on the Panzers still dont get used tho.
Bet the blinkers on the Panzers still dont get used tho.
Volunteers are a double edged sword. At some volume of users and content it either needs to be a huge team of like minded volunteers which increases the likelihood of ye power tripping bastards or someone who is paid to do it and spend the time with rules to follow.
Damn right, I’m only on Lemmy because there isnt a better alternative, not because its great.
The sad fact is that for social media to not suck you need moderation, for moderation not to suck they need to be paid mods, which means it has to make money somehow, which either means adds, subscriptions or mining user data…
I got this via fax machine.
…fuckin hate quebec…
The French have nukes… Finland doesnt.
Yeah, there needs to be a Lemmy.norm
Honestly, the only thing marketplace sucks for is cars.
Ive only ever had luck selling cars on platforms that require you to pay to list. Marketplace just gets you an endless string of time wasters and people who want it for half the asking price.
Because Facebook killed enthusiast forums for most of my hobbies and everyone migrated to FB. Thats where the knowledge is.
The last thing the US wants is to be a pariah to the UK, Australia, NZ and South Africa. Them old commonwealth loyalties run deep. Not to mention France would take extreme exception to Quebec.
Even if we didnt intervene militarily we all love Canada, It would be economic suicide.
That is partly for opsec reasons.
Forcing potential “unauthorised personnel” to constantly be sourcing new uniforms is a legitimate method to add another layer of difficulty to gaining access. The people who really give a shit will notice if you’re wearing out of date uniforms.
Not too long after it came out I was good at Siege and I mean good I was ranked in the top 1000 players and I thought that was pretty badass. I got a DM from some guy who was like “Hey I’m from TEAM and we wanted to know if you wanted to try out for our Siege squad?” I said thanks but no thanks, I have a mortgage and a full time and then some job. I dont want to take on the obligation.
I then went and googled the team, I was being courted by serious professional players. I still decided I didnt want that headache but as someone who has always been an underachiever it was like an IRL achievement popup or a level up notification. Like… look what I can achieve when I actually give a fuck and put the work in.
Needs waifu wrap. If Im going to be lying down and spooning it for hours on end before I fire my load. It better have tiddies.
My prediction is that sony and microsoft will have benchmarks 3rd party devices have to hit in order to buy a “PS6 Compatable” logo for their product. So you can buy a Msi Claw 3 or whatever, sign into the PSN and shop the sony catalogue.
There needs to be a lemmy.norm or some shit.
Just photoshop requests, memes, hobbies and dumb “askreddit” shit.
Ive had companies call my mom over stuff because the last known contact information they found for me was from when I was still living with my parents. Literally years after I moved out.
The “A.I” excuse stuff reads like bullshit. The mom call might just be old information.
My conspiracy theory is that Trump will “Talk tough” to Putin and “tell him” to back off and take only “minor” concessions to end the war. He gets to claim that he ended it, look how strong and diplomatic he can be. Putin will spin it differently back home, nobody will buy it but nobody will care because the sanctions will be lifted and money will start flowing.
The Ukraine wont get NATO admission, the US will block it but they will be a whole lot better off than if Trump just removed all US support and the bombing will stop so they wont like it, but the alternative is losing the whole country.
Oh we also have that, my boss whose parents were immigrants hates immigrants.
Listen teens, I’m 40. I was a niteclub bouncer in a town popular with backpackers and partying, I also did a lot of traveling and partying. I was shameless, its a miracle it didnt fall off.
When you say you fucked my mom, its childish and stupid. When I say I fucked your mom while its not likely its possible… and thats worse.