Why not
Why not
When I said I wonder why, I meant in regards to a game in an active life cycle. The game came out in 2021 and, as I said, recieved its last content drop with a new game on the way
This is obviously a good thing for ps gamers but I have to wonder why this is happening? The game just received its final content drop, and I don’t if it’s been officially announced, but the next game is gonna be coming soon, probably later this year or early next year and I find it hard to believe that it’s going to be released on ps as well.
The grass is always greener I guess
In what world is a “gacha system” not a lootbox
I don’t care what people have to say about apple
More speed is more heat is more battery wear
Why is making it an option with the default set to off worse than what they have now (slow charging with no option)?
I know Samsung and pixel both have this option, and I would be surprised if other major manufacturers didn’t. While people have their grievances with them, I’ve never heard anyone complain about overall battery lifetime.
If that is an actual concern people have then they can just turn it off by default
Ok so make it an option
It must be a nice life that wishing for something to be true makes it so, regardless of reality
Damn that’s crazy I didn’t realize my third party map app was actually just Google maps
I haven’t used threads, I just assumed it already had ads
They don’t, that quote is talking about the steam survey, which allows steam to read what OS the user is using. The point OP is making is that the only reason W11 is more popular than W10 is because Microsoft is forcing the update
I mean, they are trying to build a twitter alternative, aren’t they?
Yes, exactly
Pikachu eating ryujinx (which just got taken down today)
Other people might like it, I like it myself, but Syndicate is objectively one of the lower quality games in the franchise