What are you, some kind of communist woke globalist radical?
What are you, some kind of communist woke globalist radical?
He’s not putting “democracy on the line” he’s actively trying to destroy it.
Russia couldn’t even beat Poland these days.
Megalomaniacs certainly deserve a huge share of the blame. But the morons who follow them are just as much to blame.
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
You’d probably be breaking a lot of sanctions. And if you’re not part of the oligarchy that will have consequences.
The concept of a ground attack aircraft that shoots its cannon at things is well and truly dead in the age of MANPADS. Even the A-10 basically doesn’t do that any more. However, a fixed wing piston engine plane that shoots rockets or glide bombs from outside MANPADS range might make some sense. This is a role typically filled by helicopters right now, but a fixed wing plane would offer better range and lower cost.
It’s an illusion to think business decisions are always made based on economic considerations. This is about power and control, not about saving money.
I really hope this won’t be too expensive. If it’s reasonably affordable i might just get one for my living room.
Können wir bitte die Mauer wieder aufbauen?
True. The yield is too small for it to be useful as a bomb.
The main attraction of fascism is that it helps assholes to feel good about themselves.
Guten Appetit!
Was the flame thrower standard or an optional extra?
It’s only terrorism when poor people do it.
How do you do something “correctly” when nobody knows what that is? If your main priority is to do it “correctly” you will never develop anything fundamentally new.
Blowing up rockets until it works is a far better approach than trying to get everything to work on the first try and ending up with a hugely overpriced white elephant.
Never talk about the fnords!
OMG, mark this stuff NSFW! I don’t want anyone to think I spend my time staring at the exposed ankles of comely wenches!