Amazed people saying it is correct decision! This is two public figures and doing art or any form of expression material with their image should be protected under freedom of speech.
Amazed people saying it is correct decision! This is two public figures and doing art or any form of expression material with their image should be protected under freedom of speech.
Yes definitely lost touch with reality.
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה, romanized: heskem haavara, lit. ‘transfer agreement’) was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist organizations signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939.[1]
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What do you expect from people who worked hard to support Zionist Nazi in their mission in genociding the Palestinians since WWII with historical knowing ties to Hitler, and allowing them to bluntly own all branches of government? It was evident at least since the attempt of ethnically cleansing Gaza that the US government and many fascist allies in Europe have no issue with white supremacy. They been actively and proudly stating their goals, but the American people got played with fake democracy until it reaches this moment.
In the latest video about this by veritasium, he asked the researcher about ethics concern. the researcher insist that they dont care as humanity can decide for itself.
The new report also details the extent of MIT’s partnerships with Israeli military contractors like Elbit Systems, which supplies 85 percent of Israel’s killer drones, and Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, that has sent millions of pounds of military goods to Israel since the start of the war on Gaza. The Israeli military also sponsored several of the MIT projects with funds provided by the U.S. Defense Department.
Not sure why you down voted. If you research any person of like a few minutes you get the “visited Israel” or “was associated with X” and you look up “x” and it says he was a “spy”
It is insane how they control Congress and the White House, and people don’t think they can’t blackmail a university through grants or blackmail!
The nice thing is, now at least this can be used with live tv from other countries and languages.
Think you want to watch Japanese tv or Korean channels with out bothering about downloading, searching and syncing subtitles
This has been going on in chess for a while as well. Computer can detect patterns that human cannot because it has a better memory and knowledge base.
It is a race between USA destroying the world or destroying itself.
more tax dollars stolen
How can we help?
I feel it is intentional. They are god damn good at hearing my talking about a baby and shoving all baby videos and social media post in every corner for ad revenue; yet when I search about something trivial I cannot get an answer.
Even AI becoming useless the last couple of weeks compare to a few months back where it gave details answers.
I am surprised the name of the manufacture is not out. This basically raise privacy concern.
Authoritian regimes doesnt need to pretend. If they find out you are a risk they don’t need to gather evidence to get you in prison, so they don’t need to pretend they care about censoring the internet for the wrong reasons.
The issue here is the west want to do the same but need a valid justification. Instead of work to stop the actual abuse in the first place they want access to the only way for many people to share information safely.
You could be technically letrate and find your way around all the restrictions, but many people are not and they need access to secure communication channels to arrange there activism.
The fact we don’t see backlash against twitter, Facebook, Google, and Apple tells alot about what is this about.
The fact we are seeing more support for “consent” for kids, and the fact that there were many major cases such as Epstein and Maxwell which has been obscured or even hidden when it comes to major profilic people says alot about their intent.
It is amazing they don’t mention in the article how many children and innocent people died and dying due to the use of these technology. Keeping the wording at “armed conflict between Israel and Hamas”
So where we can find these data to check out?
A country that investing in any successful product doesn’t mean they want your data. If they are interested they can buy it directly from any large organization and if must they can use spy ware or other means of intelligence.
If you have privacy concern, you have bigger issue than a game that is for all we know is dying game.