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Formerly @[email protected], kbin.run died, moved here.
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I was like that until Epic released free games that I decided to claim just in case my tastes changed or I was with a friend who enjoyed that game, but that I myself was very uninterested in playing. And then I got busier, and bought games I have high confidence I’d like but did not have the time to play just then past maybe a demo or a short while to check if I did actually like it—I’d get to it sometime later when I had more free time. My tastes tend to expand to include more things, but not to reject more things as well, so I thought the risk of tastes changing was an okay risk to take in order to capitalize on the sale of a game I am interested in now, even if I would play it much later. So far I have proven pretty good at guessing future me’s tastes.
What do you mean you can’t promote him? You’re very positive about him to the point it seems you really want me and other Lemmy users to go pay attention to his stuff, and are willing to make posts to do so. That counts as promotion.
Thanks for answering my question about whether he is supposed to be mainstream enough that I am supposed to know who he is without explanation. Unfortunately, there are probably plenty of YouTubers who have higher subscriber counts than the count of total active Lemmy users, most of who are totally irrelevant to me and who are still not someone everyone who does not live under a rock would be aware of. I’ll assume he counts as one of them. I am glad you enjoy his content enough to advertise for him on Lemmy, but it’s coming off less as a person sharing their enthusiasm and more as an advertisement I really do not want to see. I think that is the vibe everyone else is picking up as well, and why you are getting a lot of downvotes on this post.
I am lucky enough to not need the site. I am glad it exists for those who do.
I feel like you just ignored my question to go full-in on promoting whoever this person is, which makes me feel extra resistance to checking it out, on top of my already-existing aversion to watching videos.
Who-like? Am I just out of the loop and “Dani” is some big name most gamers know, or is the description making a bad assumption that we all know who “Dani” is?
[email protected] might like this
Oh boy. Thanks for the context, by the way! I did not know that about the history of PC gaming.
I did learn cursive, but I have been playing games on laptops since I was little too and was never told I had to learn PC building. And to be completely honest, although knowledge is good, I am very uninterested in doing that especially since I have an object that serves my needs.
I have the perspective to realize that I have been on the “other side” of the WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE SATISFIED, LEARN MORE AND CHANGE TO BE LIKE US side, although I’m exaggerating because I don’t actually push others to take on my decisions. I don’t spam the uninterested to come to Linux, but I do want people who get their needs adequately served by Windows to jump to Linux anyways because I want to see Windows 11, with even more forced telemetry and shoved-in AI and things just made worse, fail. Even though that would actually be more work for satisfied Windows users.
But I would not downvote a happy Windows user for not wanting to switch, and that kind of behavior is frowned upon, is it just more acceptable to be outwardly disapproving to those who do not know about GPUs and are satisfied with what they have with zero desire to upgrade? I don’t have Sufficient Gamer Cred and am being shown the “not a Real Gamer” door? I think my comment was civil and polite so I really don’t understand the disapproval. If it is just “not a Real Gamer” I’ll let it roll off my back, though I did think the Gaming community on Lemmy was better than that… I would understand the reaction if I rolled up to c/GPUs with “I don’t care about this :)” and got downvoted. Is Gaming secretly kind of also c/GPUs and I just did not know that?
Okay I literally just realized it is probably because I hopped on a thread about GPUs and do not know about the topic being posted about. Whoops. Sorry.
Thank you for explaining!
Thank you for explaining! I am not sure why people are reacting badly to my statement, is knowledge of GPUs something every gamer is expected to have and I am violating the social contract by being clueless?
I’ll absolutely punish your eyeballs with just some stuff on steam that will leave these two games looking absolutely mainstream.
Genuinely curious since that sounds interesting. What games are these?
I’ll be honest, I have never paid attention to GPUs and I don’t understand what your comment is trying to say or (this feels selfish to say) how it applies to me and my comment. Is this intended to mostly be a reply to me, or something to help others reading the thread?
Makes me appreciate reviews that are able to give pros and cons to the game, and the ones that are able to say an opinion between “best game ever” and “absolute trash”. Which I still often see on the Steam reviews, usually voted as one of the Most Helpful!
I’m having a good time on a laptop with no fancy graphics card and have no desire to buy one.
I also do not look for super high graphical fidelity, play mostly indies instead of AAA, and am like 5 years behind the industry, mostly buying old gems on sale, so my tastes probably enable this strategy as much as anything else.
I am back in for exercise reasons. I’m enjoying Dynamax as far as I can go being just one person—mostly because I live near two Dynamax spots and nothing else, and never played a mainline game with Dynamaxing so I do not know how different or how much of a betrayal it is from the mainline version of the mechanic. Curious to hear how it is greedy (honest question, not an aggressive “prove you’re right!!! because they are not!!11!1!”).
Yes, but not sure where this question is coming from.
Interesting read, mostly accessible for someone who has not and will never play Balatro. (Roguelikes just are not my thing, and for an irrational reason I cannot pin down, card games are a really quick turnoff.)
To each their own. I have no idea what Tunic is, I got it for
The fact you say it has lots of VNs and puzzle games suggests there is more in the bundle I’ll like if I just explore more as those genres are to my taste.
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