S4.E16 Crimes and Myth-demeanors 2 They were testing different security systems and how to trick them.
S4.E16 Crimes and Myth-demeanors 2 They were testing different security systems and how to trick them.
First thing that comes to mind is if finger print wouldn’t be safer option but then I remembered that episode of myth busters.
Did exactly this with an old laptop and use to mainly for tv and occasionally browsing when staying at our hut/cottage? Still bit slow but works.
2010s replaceable battery phones: look what they need to mimic fraction of our power.
Seeing this just makes me want a tv that is just a monitor, no crap you just plug in your own thing whatever you want.
I thought they made them so small that they would interfere with each other if they made them any smaller.
Our teacher once said that today’s dumps will be future mines. Seems like it’s becoming true.
How about we made one large car that could fit like 80 or more people? So they would need only few cars and make routes where the most people want to go and just keep driving those routes and make stops where the most people would go to get on.
Nuclear reprocessing then if you insist on right wording.
I thought it’s already figured out, recycle it like in France.
I keep thinking if they could make a phone that you just assemble like a computer and can change the parts to upgrade. I don’t care it would be bit bulky. But I assume they wouldn’t make as much money if people won’t buy entire new phones every two years.
It would just end up like in the Love death and robots episode When the Yogurt Took Over. They wouldn’t listen and just do their own thing.
All fines should be percentage of income instead of some arbitrary number.
I wonder if there’ll ever be artificial heart that would last for decades, I imagine that would save lots of people.