Oh I definitely had the expansions, but even then weren’t there only like 2 decks you could visit?
Actually I think I still have the game and the expansion thanks to GoG.
Elite Force was absolutely incredible! Considering you were trapped in like a ship graveyard the variety of environments was pretty impressive. The combat was fun, the story was interesting…could’ve used a little more ship exploration on voyager, though.
Also owned by Meta
Literally my only attachments to Meta at this point. I want to delete my account so badly.
The desire to belong is primal, and strong.
I’ve had a facebook account since it was first unleashed on the world, but these days I only use it for messenger and marketplace. I’ve changed all my privacy settings to as strict as they can possibly be, and I never browse or post anything.
I asked a younger coworker something similar about Facebook and facebook messenger a few years ago in relation to cyber bullying. I asked her why the younger generation doesn’t just get off social media if they’re being bullied, and her response was that these platforms are how people communicate now. Without them, you don’t find out about parties, trips, events, etc. Without them you get left out. If you abandon them, you’re essentially ostracizing yourself.
After hearing that I understood why just giving them up is difficult.
The official hat of “females always pick the chads, even though I dress better than all these normies!”
Don’t worry! I’m sure the default username and password didn’t get changed either.
The reason I think is because any unofficial and potentially unsecured communications access point seems like a vulnerability. If some moron posts a picture using that unofficial access point I’d be worried it could be traced to the ship’s location.
That seems like a significant security risk
Oh no! A guy who’s past his prime against a guy who literally wants to commit crimes without consequences…how will I ever choose between these two equally bad options?!
One of my favorite Star Trek quotes of all time: “If the invasion had been considered a defeat Gowron would’ve been assassinated by now. He simply declared victory, and went home.”