He’d probably be ditching more than just that. He could be caught on a security camera disposing of it which could give further clues. He may also had no intention of disposal and intended to keep the firearm.
He’d probably be ditching more than just that. He could be caught on a security camera disposing of it which could give further clues. He may also had no intention of disposal and intended to keep the firearm.
Maybe plotting how to dispose of it, perhaps extra paranoid with how much he blew up. Unfortunately all the memes of him probably helped spread the search for him. Not everyone who saw a meme agreed with his actions.
Who cares about ping when there are profits to be made
I’m pretty sure they just charge the local currency equivalent in BTC at the time of purchase.
Do you have a source for that? I’ve seen local businesses like pizza shops and such accept btc.
Edit: the majority of crypto transactions are likely between exchanges, miners, and exchange customers. An example is the Blackrock BTC ETF buys and sells btc off an exchange in realtime in relation to the ETF purchases. I’m not saying no crime happens on the btc network but to claim 100% of transactions are crime based is just false.
Isn’t USD also linked to many of those? Gangs launder physical cash through businesses, ransomware can ask for credit cards or bank accounts, terrorists may take USD as it can be spent nearly anywhere.
Even if you have to look at it first, once on it you can go by feel where as i find i struggle to do the same on a fully touch control.
Haptic feedback like knob clicks or button presses are much easier to use without taking eyes off the road as often.
The way his supporters talk is like this, if it is something they like, they claim Trump singlehandedly did that thing. If it is something they don’t like, they claim the fucking government is holdng Trump back from his real goals.
I’m Canadian and have a friend in Canada who is unemployed, mentally ill to the point of collecting disability and lives with his mother who is mentall ill and physically disabled. They both rely on extensive government support programs like disability payments, mental health care access, pharmaceutical benefits, and our healthcare system.
This friend of mine wants to vote for our right wing conservative party who will strip most if not all of these supports away from him and his family. I just don’t understand how someone can vote against themselves like this, he’s gobbled up the propaganda. My heart goes out to all who will suffer under the new American government.
Id have had 100k if i sold at 20 cents. And that doesnt even factor in the thousands of doge i gambled away on pokershibes, a dogecoin poker site.
If he had kept his seed phrase for his wallet, he would be able to recover the funds to a new hard drive. This was very common advice if you did a little bit of research before purchasing btc. I can’t judge too much though as I ignored a dogecoin wallet when they were worthless but 500,000 doge suddenly felt less worthless once doge pushed past 5-10 cents, but by that time, my wallet was gone and I had lost my seed.
Yea I’m not too keen on giving authorization to hit pedestrians. If I feel threatened in my car, I am not allowed to run over the person so why should a driverless car gain that right? And if the panic button is going to call the police, how is that any different from the passenger using their phone to contact police? Seems like extra steps of middlemen and confusion when the passenger could just call once they feel the need.
I could defintely see a case for some extra safety features that help keep the doors locked and shut, maybe thicker windows too if needed to prevent robberies/assaults.
Mixed use zoning and a multiuse building? This defintely isnt a north american city. America is “too big” to build like this.
My pc lasted over 10 years without a GPU or CPU upgrade. Now it doesn’t keep up with AAA titles but there are still plenty of games, old and new, that I can play.
You have to consider the versatility of a pc to truly compare them. The pc will have better alternative uses like web browsing, the pc is very easy and fairly cheap to increase storage, you may be able to upgrade just some RAM or GPU to keep up rather than buying a new console. You’ll also have access to more games and more modding opourtunities. You can still use a controller on pc although you are often at a disadvantage in most FPS style games.
If you just want to game a console may be better or easier but overall a pc is usually the better investment in the long run.
The same problem could be fixed with electrified transit and walkability. Transit would also be even more environmentally friendly.
Plus we could still develop self driving cars but do a lot more testing before we set the public as the guinea pigs to see if they are safe.
Id also argue that we cannot claim this is the worst self driving will get since self driving cars are only used in a few areas right now.
There are greener, more energy effecient and more socially fair ways to get the same results than selling everybody a high tech steel box.
Driving while inebriated is illegal, self driving is not.
Traffics jams and erreactic behaviour could be fixed if everyone is in a self driving car, but at that point it woild be far more energy effecient, environmentally friendly and cheaper for society to build electrified transit instead.
If you prioritize the street so that only self driving cars are on it and they need wireless communications to function, how do other road users like cyclists and pedeatrians safely use the street?
Self driving cars are not here to make your life better, they are here to make a handful of people rich.
Private security footage could have caught him disposing, someone could have witnessess and grabbed another photo of him using his their cell phone. He could be worried about finger prints on the gun or other biological clues. And if a ghost gun is so untraceable, keeping it after a crime shouldn’t be proof, because how do you prove it was this ghost gun used in the crime? He could claim he just keeps it for self defense or was interested in how far 3D printed tech has come
He could be planning another assassination or desire to keep the weapon for self defense purposes. I think you are downplaying the parannoia that would come with such a large scale manhunt accompanied with becoming an internet meme spreading your photo and awareness of your act over night. Paranoia makes you constantly think “but what if?” And that paranoia is even stronger in an extreme circumstance like this.
The fact is, we may never know why he kept it.