Sorry to read about your family member’s situation!
M30s, Milwaukee County, WI. If you’re in town, let’s grab a meal at Naf Naf Grill!
Sorry to read about your family member’s situation!
Geez, this is the greatest dice-building game since… hmm, what was the first one?
I’ll be back.
… to check on your work. Keep it up, kiddo!
Oh, what, Blursed is a difficulty level? I didn’t realize you were citing something specifically from the game, haha. I’ve still just been playing the demo so far (there’s already so much in it), so maybe it lacks that!
the game makes it seem like sci-fi writers
What? No, it’s just Mio. Still, the dialogue is somewhat tropey; I hope it stays ultimately better than ITT.
Dang! On Hard?
Oh, I was referring to the second one, yeah.
Well, we still have to get approval. But it just seems like they don’t mind as much. For example, I don’t know how many companies out there would be fine with installations of AutoHotkey and LibreOffice.
You didn’t like Prey?!?! Did you maybe take it at too hard of a difficulty? It was incredible!
Ooh, yes, the new Prey was a terrifying, incredible title! It’s almost too much for me to bear replaying, even, though it was incredibly gripping and is amazingly well-done.
No, it can’t! That’s a very interesting one indeed, but I wouldn’t risk moving to it at this time.
Vivaldi isn’t even fully open-source anyway, so it’s worth leaving regardless.
I work for a non-profit and they are way more lenient about what we would like to install as long as the job gets done.
Hmm… Special Containment Procedures? What other games are good in this sub-genre?
Same here, acquired through Epic Games’ giveaways. That was so bizarre to watch, haha: Dr. Yoshimi Tokui’s Guided Imagery Experience / Secret Mission // CONTROL
ITT’s ending was extremely disappointing and some of the writing felt artificial or plot-forced, like not how the characters would behave based on how their values were developed earlier. It doesn’t seem like SF has this problem.
It has perfect review scores so it must be way better than ITT, which, I agree, ended horribly, as if maybe they were rushed or out of budget by the end or something. I look forward to SF way more.
Yeah, TBH it’s still probably not actual “AI” and is really just complex, inaccurate autocomplete—proven by the fact that GPT 2.0 can be run entirely in Microsoft Excel lol (even though it’s certainly a massive table). So it’s just a buzzword…
Nevertheless, I think if it’s free and open-source, I can mildly get behind AI usage in certain situations. The profiteering models I have more of a problem with.
Huh, I didn’t realize that All including all federated communities must be a Thunder-specific feature.
I thought they were Southeast Asian, or maybe I’m recalling incorrectly.