you’re already giving way too much credit to these models. you dont even need emotion for sentience. an iguana is 100% more sentient than any LLM. life is defined as organic matter that reproduces. very far from an llm. “AI” is a misnomer that they don’t bother correcting because it makes it sound magical and lifelike. these models are not aware of the words they are generating. they do not know what word they just typed before the current one. they do not have any concept of thought or ideas as you or me do. they, simply, are not sentient. this would be required for any true “artificial intelligence” because our self awareness is a huge part of human intellect. LLM are tools, not minds.
you perfectly nailed the reason i don’t even use rtx. the side by sides just arent good enough, in the actual games. I can’t justify the additional performance hit when i literally cannot tell the difference in reflections when swapping between the two on a real gameplay setting. sure it looks different, but better? more often than not, no. obviously this all varies in degree game to game depending how it was designed. Hogwarts Legacy rtx DID look better, but it wasnt enough to justify it. the baked scenes were great looking too.