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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Yeah, it all still depends on how close you are to the fiber, whether pushed over twisted-pair or coax. In some areas, for digital over twisted-pair, it may even still depend on how close you are to a central office. It varies wildly across the country.

    I support people who work from home all over the country. People in the boonies are using mobile data and satellite. Those who aren’t suffer terrible DSL connections.

    I have coax, and 2 gigabit is an option for me because the fiber Xfinity uses runs right along my neighborhood.

  • I was gonna say, this sounds familiar.

    Really though, some times it’s by design. I remember back when you could jailbreak your iPhone (effectively). Those were the days…so much cool shit you could do on an iPhone back then.

    One of the things you could do though was change your animation speed. You know, just how fast it would do those little swoops and sweeps and things like that when opening apps or transitioning or whatever. It was a little thing, but I appreciated being able to change it, a lot. I used to set it at 0 so everything was as snappy as possible. No animations, just pop pop pop. Like in Windows 7 when you turn off all animations and effects. I would experiment though sometimes with new iOS versions on other devices as well as my own when they came out. Don’t want to be left behind and be susceptible to security risks, right?

    It didn’t take me long to catch on that they would, little by little, extend the animations times slightly as they got closer to a new major version number release. I noticed that when you would upgrade, they would adjust the animation speed again with the major release, but instead of slowing it down, put it back to normal. They basically made it so that when you finally upgraded to the new (slightly buggy) major version, you felt it ran better and were happy you did so. It was all a trick, and you were being manipulated. It didn’t run better, it just seemed that way because they slowed down the previous version’s animations. Now, I know how Apple thinks and works. It’s both to make sure you’re on the latest version they can get you on as well as try to keep you thinking they are always improving things and be happy you upgraded. But, it’s just a bit disappointing to realize that they’re manipulating you in little ways like that to keep you on-board.

    Not the first time Google or phone manufacturers have taken some cues from Apple’s practices in this area. It seems like time and time again we see some people like Android users and Linux enthusiasts complaining about Apple’s practices only to be dismayed that Google or their favorite phone manufacturer starts practicing the very same thing. The fact of the matter is, Apple did ALL the research. They don’t care about all us nerds who see what’s going on. We’re the minority. The majority are happily manipulated in this way, unknowingly. Why wouldn’t they follow suit? Apple is WILDLY successful.

  • Just use regular non-antiperspirant deodorant. Anti-perspirant is bad for you and for your skin. It just forces your body to try even harder to sweat through it on top of the questionable chemistry. If you have a particular issue with the stank, just keep some with you or keep it at work to re-up. Not only will your armpits thank you, but so will your shirts. You can do that or keep using harsh chemicals for your armpits, harsh chemicals to get their residue off, and go through clothing like it’s toilet paper—or give your body the chance it hasn’t had since puberty to maybe cool off a bit. Give it a whirl.

  • I work in I.T. for a healthcare company. Ascension is a pretty large one. The bigger a company gets and the faster it grows, the more it takes on a diversity of varying technologies that all need to be managed, migrated, killed off, merged, hardened, etc. It’s a difficult job especially for healthcare. I know that the company I work for is working very hard to keep up with things, but it’s a logistical nightmare. You MUST have very smart people in charge that have the right priorities. You have to have information channels open to make sure administration knows what the potential issues are. Compartmentalization of information and access. There are so many potential points of failure it’s insane. And then there’s the most important thing of all: making sure all employees are educated enough that they don’t let their credentials get compromised.

    Things are getting worse in general because of how hard it is to stay on top of everything nowadays. I just recently got a couple of letters in the mail about my info being leaked by some companies that had my info. I just have to do my part to stay on top of my own responsibilities, watch my own identity and finances, and make sure those around me are being secure, as well. Everybody needs to know how important this is, and many do, but I don’t think enough people really understand or make it a priority.

    HHS is instituting new rules for healthcare (and other industries) to help track and respond to these things. The government is getting very involved with this now. I hope it helps.