Libre wolf version is underway too!
Libre wolf version is underway too!
what’s the particular license about?
yeah, mozilla hasn’t had to worry about actually giving a fuck and that’s rotten them to the core
I’ll be honest, I booted up a laravel project through herd and I’ve got a testing environment setup for the let go.
To have 90% of my donation money syphoned away into the CEO?
what happened?
Aren’t you no longer binded by profesional silence? Just log in into their DB, export it and try to get a seller
So when company do it it’s fine but when we do it to companies it’s not?
My grandpa loved shouting social security codes with their names, can you please do that while celebrating like he used to?
Arc the lad 2 twilight of spirits is a cult classic
How do devs make off by one mistakes.
Yeah, let’s try it. I’m https://steamcommunity.com/id/Gonzako
as a dating app?
yeah, we’d start using their spineless nature for good tbh
That’s cool. I’ll make sure to read it up. I’m not from that particular part of the country so my knowledge isn’t the best either
Well, it’s a reprensention of the Catholicism of the south of Spain and they’re pretty heavy over it in there. I’ve been playing the first Blasphemous and I haven’t seen anything OVERLY sexualized.
what’s with blasphemous?
The rent seekers making everything worse again
Hope they get it working
maybe? I read it was being worked on. I’m maybe a bit too optimistic