MomCorp was taken!
MomCorp was taken!
I love the jank message summaries
I got one the other day that summarized a message from my 75 year old mom as a conspiracy theory. I can’t imagine having the confidence to mark a clients message as a conspiracy theory even if it 100% was.
Here’s the summary:
Conspiracy theory about government agencies being privatized for profit.
Original text:
They would turned it into a private owned so they can profit from it. That’s why they changing all the government agencies and turn it into profitable businesses for them. See how all the big corporations are lined up with trump.
Yeah this is just the wiki random button with a simplified TikTok gui.
Pretty much a useless site which is a shame since I was excited about it.
I sincerely hope that OSRS players don’t rollover on this one but I’m not holding my breath.
Reading the CEO comments the other day really highlighted how tired I am of corporate speak and just how patronizing it is.
Now I want a breakdown of how people in an area refer to locations near them such as using counties or cities.
Here in western North Carolina we use counties but my friends in eastern NC don’t. I figure it’s because a lot of towns out here are too small to even be towns most of the time.
When I went to school in West Virginia the locals also used counties there when referring to where they’re from.
I know using counties is popular in California and looking at the map I can kinda see why since they’re huge.
I’ll try to name some unusual ones I enjoy
Pokerogue - a Pokémon one that’s surprisingly well made but grindy
Rogue tower - tower defense
Peglin - pachinko roguelite
Backpack battles - a weird inventory game where you auto battle other peoples builds but it’s not really pvp so don’t worry if you’re not into that
It’s the internet so I’m assuming a month from now people will stop caring and only some slight bump in awareness as trial news comes out.
The strength of pc gaming imo comes in the form of modding.
Probably forgetting a lot
I played a few hours of 3 and tiny Tina’s and both just felt really meh. Like the villains were annoying , the characters were annoying, and the weapons felt same old. Maybe I’ve changed and they’re not meant for me anymore but it’s a shame.
I’m hoping the next game makes the weapons feel exciting again. I don’t want to see or hear claptrap anymore
They’ve gone too far this time. Now how are we supposed to play egg fried rice
Honestly kinda miss when the drugs I did were illegal. I used to buy weed from this online seller that was really into designer drugs. The amount of time I used to spend on Erowid just to figure out wtf I was about to take.
Paris green (what I’m assuming the book covers in the meme is made of) is one of my wife’s favorite topics to info dump on someone. I brought her to the sign museum in Cincinnati and she had like an hour long convo with the dude who worked there on just that.
Same and some days I’ll go “I’m staying in bed all day today and not leaving for shit”
I’ll order a pizza and get comfy then regret it later that night when I’m sore as shit and have bad reflux
Yeah who else is going to pay for 1GB speeds knowing the most they’ll ever get is 400MB
The worst is when you’re trying to look for something but one of the discord bots has said a word similar ten billion times so that’s all that comes up. You’ll try to ban the bot to see other comments but then you just get like blank space or some shit where the bots comments would be
Real John Mcafee vibes
I live in the Appalachians and so my commute is twisty mountain roads.
The last car I loaned was a maxima which immediately forgot there was a car in front of me whenever I or the car in front “disappeared” on a turn.
It would also flash tf out of people on turns and hills with its dumb auto highs.
Yeah like I can’t say it’s not a conspiracy theory (that I agree with) but marking it is still very… bold?