Yeah, it’s easier to make decisions when you don’t have to think about them anymore.
Yeah, it’s easier to make decisions when you don’t have to think about them anymore.
I’m sorry but I genuinely don’t care what game journalists think. Their opinions are about as valuable as mud, and at least I can grow plants from mud.
Every single discussion I see searching up on Google ‘is Outer Worlds good’ are sponsored reviews from people who got the game for free, or B average reviews from people who got the game for dirt cheap. When I find what real people have to say about Outer Worlds, it’s almost unanimous that it was bad.
No, there wasn’t - Skyrim is the video game equivalent of makeup on an otherwise uninteresting individual. Might seem pretty at first, but the lack of depth or meaning dulls any beauty.
Yeah that doesn’t track at all with what I remember people saying, and what I remember thinking myself.
I distinctly remember people citing the repetitive gameplay, short campaign, shallow choices, etc. I’m not sure why it was ever a GOTY contender, but there simply never was any way it would ever beat a game like Sekiro. It’s likely that “new Obsidian RPG” drove any hype surrounding the game.
Edit: Disco Elysium came out in 2019, that fact alone tells you that Outer Worlds being a contender was uhh… if not fraudulent, then certainly questionable.
It’s the age old argument of “It’s not Communism that’s bad, it’s the human element.”
Speaking as if any system created by humans will ever be free of the human element, which is of course faulty logic.
The downvote button is not an ‘I don’t like this’ button, trogs. Read the rules.
Lucky, my roosters are either total assholes or complete cowards - but they both end up worthless when a fox or coyote show up.
So you’re tech savvy and you use AI as it should be - like a tool. Not a magic genie that will spit out code for you.
Just play Ghosts of Sushi Mama - I can almost guarantee it’s a better AC game.
A friend of mine was banned for the crime of having been invaded by a hacker. I guess I kind of get it, can’t really be made at them for not wanting to give everyone a headstart.
Hmm, is this typical for other fromsoft titles - as far as playtests go? Regarding the lack of PC testers.
I think that from your standpoint, the small business owner, it makes sense to do this.
I think the corporate demons pulling the strings of these massive companies love, and I mean love, when people look at them like you.
For the budding gardeners who might see this, do not use dogshit as fertilizer for the plants you eat.
It’s more like he’s hoping his car sprouts wings and turbines
Fun fact about the Lone Ranger, the most likely real world basis for the protagonist is a man named Bass Reeves. He was black, and an escaped slave. The misrepresentation has been present since the beginning, if I’m not mistaken.
Did you point out that they have brain damage from lead poisoning and it might be compromising their ability to think?
Is vague with their wording, immediately backpedals to “I dOn’T mEaN aLl MeN”
Shut up
to make men think about their actions
Do you not understand that, as a very straight man, I’ve never once even thought about hurting a woman?
It’s absolutely divisive. Stop.
To be fair, these are Apple users we’re talking about. They uhh… kind of epitomize rampant American consumerism.