Is this not a pc game? I have an index and I wanna learn how to drive a tractor…
Is this not a pc game? I have an index and I wanna learn how to drive a tractor…
I can??
If AI was reliable, maybe. MAYBE. But guess what? It turns out that “advanced autocomplete” does a shitty job of most things, and I bet false positives will be numerous.
Can someone please explain the meaning of the last panel?
Hope that we’ll fix global warming.
And training wheels on kid bikes. It’s all about the balance biking, baby!
Interesting things are interesting, you say?
Similar structure, yes, but this is the important part:
Swiss foundations and their board of trustees are legally obligated to act in accordance with the purpose for which they were established
So, just like the Louvre museum in Paris and the Luxor casino in Las Vegas have similar structures, pointing this out doesn’t really contribute much to the discussion.
For all I know, OpenAI’s purpose is to create Skynet and kill all humans. But Proton’s is:
Our legally binding purpose is to further the advancement of privacy, freedom, and democracy around the world.
Wild women and song
Insertion: stick it on the end O(1)
Retrieval: BOGO sort your list and return the first item. It’s O(1) in the best case.
Checkmate, nerds!