Thanks! I’ll give this a watch.
Thanks! I’ll give this a watch.
I wasn’t able to disable Copilot in Office without threatening to cancel via my account management page. It’s only then that they give you the option to fall back to the originally priced plan that specifically doesn’t include Copilot. And even after that, Copilot apparently won’t be removed from my locally installed copies of the Office apps until my plan renewal date in April! I’m pretty sure I’m gonna use the time to transition all my documents to LibreOffice and fully cancel my MS Office plan before it renews.
Which video was this?
I’m one of like 5 people on the planet who still uses his minidisc player. I’ve bought some of the blank minidiscs Sony was still making. Seeing them finally end production hurts. I have a bunch of minidiscs already, but I feel like I should stock up before prices go nuts.
That stand was awesome and I used the OG Droid as an alarm clock for years after I stopped using it as a phone. I wish they still made horizontal docks for phones like that. It’s such a nice way to get some extra use out of the phone.
I still have mine, and amazingly it still boots up! I loved it so much!
“Dead or alive, you’re coming with me.”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen what appears to be a line graph loop back on itself.