How to immediately kill your product before launch, step 1
he/him | a loser | kingthrillgore.name
How to immediately kill your product before launch, step 1
Google: “Forcing us to divest Chrome could have impacts on our ability to support Mozilla and their high executive salaries as we own the space with Chrome.”
Also Google:
Who then proceed to get abused mentally and physically bad sociopathic managers.
Digg died before it had to face any of what reddit turned into. I envy it, really.
Interestingly, Avowed is completely missing from this discussion.
The irony that he is mad about woke when irish people were also shit fury on.
I just did a similar setup with a custom built NUC and I even got PCI Passthrough working. I want to get as many years out of this as possible. Proxmox is great.
Agreed, his garbage attempt at Self has caused long term ramifications for software development. We could have been using a real language for years now.
Mars is Doom territory, mon frer. Terror Billy’s ancestor is cleaning up the shitheap nazis that made it to their final destination.
/r/BanVideoGames has lost the plot.
Uh, she also fucked him when he was IN a vegetative state.
Fuck it i’ll go where the people are and its not a nazi bar. If BlueSky goes to shit i’ll fuck off to Mastodon again.
My link for this was deleted. Huh. I didn’t see this earier.
Anyways I think this is a dangerous chilling effect and reddit has a terrible track record for not using this as intended, so I can only expect Reddit Admins to use this beyond warning, I expect bans and this used in warrants/NSLs quickly.
Stop using reddit, stop going to reddit. And bring everyone you can to Lemmy. I want to be able to cut out my city subreddits like /r/Denver like a clean shit.
I moved on from Amazon to local after the 28th.
Would you look at that Ross Scott is right again
Its already unbearable with how much is gated behind Nitro. Its gonna drop off and quick once the IPO hits.
Search history will be the first thing to go, like Slack it’ll be a pay thing and that’s gonna be a big hit.
I miss IRC.
Because the Denver sub here is a ghost town
AI slop
We knew Eich was an asshole when he tried to support that amendment in California ages ago
Come on bro, let us pirate bro, just one more ngram of books bro