But I’m le tired.
I wanted to point out that it’s as futile as shouting at the sun for rising again and shiting into your eyes through the window and then I realised how often I do exactly that and now I’m 100% fine with your comment.
Edit: I meant to write “shining” but what’s done is done.
Are you a baddie?
English has its pitfalls, but is in many ways incredibly simple.
Plus it’s everywhere, and the best way to learn a language is to use it.
It doesn’t know shit. It’s not a thinking entity.
Always looking down to get more FPS while walking around towns…
Don’t that distract you from that fact that in 2025 Edward Snowden threw Nvidia’s RTX 50 series off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.
How many planets are there in the solar system in your opinion?
Nah, it’s a torrent client.
No sane person minds watching a 5-10 second add every 10-20 minutes to support the platform.
Fuck that. Ads are cancer. Willing consuming cancer is insanity.
People play Diablo 4? o.0
“Sir or Madam” already is a “They/Them”.
we’d soon be knee deep in benches and bins
More than there already are?
Because they didn’t want to turn off everybody immediately
I would argue the storyline was a big part of it. While barebones by today’s standards, compared to the likes of Doom, Quake or even Unreal, it was pretty amazing to have a continuous narrative throughout the game.
That’s internet for you.