I’ll just put this right here…
I’ll just put this right here…
So I rarely splurge on an app but I did splurge on AntList on Android because they have a import recipe function. Also allows you to get paywall blocked recipes if you are fast enough.
Dude seek help, it’s a Ponzi scheme. Sell and get out now.
Listen here DrDickHandler, you need to check what sub you’re in.
Let me make it clear then, if a gun was around I would threaten them out / shoot them with the gun if they wouldnt leave. Pick your tool and I would at least try to use it. The part of Your strength argument that I don’t think makes sense and isn’t real is that if a poor person breaks into your house that you would allow them to steal from you from a high moral stand point. Further, you would somehow manage some sort of completely calm demeanour because you somehow know that they are someone in need there to steal and not there to hurt you or your family.
Wait, I’m no pro gun person, but like if some fucking random breaks into my house even to steal bread, you can bet your ass I’m threatening them back out with a knife or some shit. How would anyone know that they’re there as a poor person stealing bread and not to mess with your family? I doubt you or anyone else would act differently under that pressure short of being really well trained in conflict diffusion. This whole thing seems super disengenous.
Mmmm Cora
This is possibly the most American post ever lol
Absolutely, but that only happens once someone starts a project and gets contributors. Be the change you want to see.