My tv and eating habits since 2020 have only been getting better by these changes. Once every streaming service no longer allows password sharing we will be done with TV. So many of their platforms are incredibly awful to navigate anyways.
My tv and eating habits since 2020 have only been getting better by these changes. Once every streaming service no longer allows password sharing we will be done with TV. So many of their platforms are incredibly awful to navigate anyways.
Meanwhile all the schools in my area are polling places so kids don’t have school.
This isn’t something new or unique. Up until 2015ish whenever people referenced 10 years ago people would think it was referring to the 90’s. It’s a perception of time thing. Eventually the same will happen when we are out of the 20’s they’ll think 2020 was eons ago.
Firefox isn’t far behind now. They just announced ads are coming and they know their platform is used heavily with ad blocking extensions so they’ll cut it
The hardest part to combat is laziness. Amazon is a one stop shop. Personally I don’t care to shop online much anymore but when I do I’m always using direct websites for the companies since I know what I’m looking for.
Also something scary to think about, They could lose most of their customers and still thrive because of how much money they have already pulled in.
Here’s a really horrifying fact about ads, they don’t expect you to go right out and buy their product. Ads target your subconscious and manipulate your way of thinking. There was a study done by some university and tested by a few people across different fields of study that proved this to be correct. I wish I could remember off the top of my head where this was published. If you do a little browsing you can probably find it and you should because you can’t trust a stranger like me to properly relay the information.
As someone who does a lot of DIY what are my options? I can’t learn from reading and have nobody to show me how in person. Other platforms are so incredibly limited I can’t ever find any content helping me learn something. What other platform is seeking to ACTUALLY compete with YouTube by offering fair compensation and exposure to the masses? It’s so incredibly expensive to try that nobody is.
Just had a conversation with my buddy who does security and hes adamant the only reason prices are going up is because of theft. I asked what came first the jump in thefts or the price gouging to which his tuned swapped to “They gotta pay to get these locked shelves and they keep reducing security head count” which of course I had to explain that the one time purchase of the cabinet is immensely cheaper than head count so based off that the prices should actually be dropping by installing them.
I call absolute bullshit on this. They’re losing out on the sale of the device but make up for it 20 fold by selling and manipulating data it collects in your house. This isn’t even conspiracy loads of people report Alexa going off randomly without any sort of prompt. Don’t tell me the device isn’t listening closely to every little conversation you have.
I went to one that had a random box of dunkin Donuts 12ct that clearly had gone through their break room and nobody wanted the rest lol
Meanwhile I would pray they would while I am so my family can get that good money lol
I hate how accurate you are. There’s no other reason it would be government backed ESPECIALLY during war time where they’re pissing money away and losing their soldiers left and right without be able to fill the open spots.
I don’t like you.
Reddit has been the same since day one. You’re just being dramatic. They had plenty of stupid and off the wall shit that went just as this has. You’re being ridiculous old timer.
Genuinely curious, is there any major tech companies that haven’t done this? Our info is plastered everywhere nowadays due to this type of crap.
If and of, in and on, so and no, these words keep getting corrected for eachother when it shouldn’t. I’ve tried resetting auto correct to make sure I didn’t teach it to do that.
Honestly I think a big part of people looking at headlines and pictures is closely related to people’s attention span. Why read many words when less is better. Those same people can’t hold conversations for more than a minute or two on the subject then it spirals into speculations which is where the misinformation starts to take place. Society is bombarded with so much information hour by hour people don’t want to miss anything so they skim through an immense amount of partial information. It’s wild and I’m guilty of it myself so I’m in no place to speak ill of anyone.
I’ll die on the hill that GPM was and still is the best music service I ever used. I don’t think I ever had a single recommendation that wasn’t on point for me. The service worked flawless and the app was easy to use. When we got the notice our hearts sank. Spotify doesn’t even compare .
It’s a lightweight 3d printed exoskeleton of a car using drone like motors and fans. The journalist who went in person was not allowed to be close or watch someone get in or out of the vehicle. While in air it is pretty obvious there is no interior seating just what looks like 2 large fans on the bottom. To call this even a concept of a flying car is incorrect at best it’s a custom drone.