This looks like Voyager but it might be an instance setting.
Edit: it is an experimental setting in voyager.
This looks like Voyager but it might be an instance setting.
Edit: it is an experimental setting in voyager.
Have you ever met my friend Kyle’s mom?
She’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
Edit: It references the south park movie where Kyle’s mom creates aa moral panic about the children watching a R-rated movie containing swear words.
I really liked wreckfest. I am not a big fan of early access, so I will cautiously wait for the game to be released to gauge my excitement.
Obviously. The regular restrooms have gaming PCs.
Whenever I make an unnecessary purchase, I tell myself its for the guest bathroom
I dont have a guest bathroom
The vita, once modded and not being reliant on Sonys expensive proprietary memory cards, is a really great little handheld. Lots of homebrew capabilities, great ergonomics.
I also bought a PSTV when they were on clearance for less than 20 bucks, makes for a nice little gaming console for the bedroom or guest bathroom.
One of my favorite games was Tearaway, it used all the features of the console (touchscreen, tilt, back touchpad etc) without it feeling gimmicky.
I remember when the Google launcher just worked fine. Suddenly, one update later, there’s now ads for shows on services I don’t even use taking up the entire top 2/3rds of the home screen. WTF google.
also, it would have been great if Epic linked the appropriate archive.org pages. OldUnreal only hosts windows installers that grab the files off of archive.org
This isn’t even loss 😡
The only time I tip with counter service is when something is like 3,80€ and I give them 4€ in coins.
At that point, I usually just go “keep it”
It is 26 years old. That is a quarter of a century. Just like a 1975 song was called an “oldie” in 2000, it’s fair to call this an oldie now.
Edit: “What’s my age again” is closer to ABBA’s “Waterloo” than it is to today.