Fine by me. Can it be over today?
Fine by me. Can it be over today?
No corporation has ever been anything other than a dictatorship. They are the least democratic of institutions. Why do people think any differently?
If the trouble shooters are all artless students then what do expect from whoever is running that website?
I suppose after he gets done there he will come after people like me who have blocked every musk related business from my network.
There’s a chance ad blockers are eating up the ‘Skip’ button while also failing to block the ad.
159 have left since Matt’s cheese slide off his cracker
This is a guy who should have just went to vegas and bought a expensive escort for his mid life crisis.
For those who haven’t been following this epic meltdown
With only the occasional abandoned strip mine.
Of course they do. They don’t want to pay for it. They just want it done at no extra cost to them. Just like copyright strikes against internet users.
I worked for a ISP and we started demanding money to roll a truck to hand those shitty things to our customers. We would tell the customer that they have no idea who they are and if they don’t respond they never will. We stopped getting so many strikes. The absolute shittiest ones I spoke with were the ones with the Grateful Dead’s lead singers family trust.
None of them ever paid for us to roll a truck. None of them ever served a subpoena.
Since when does anything to do with star citizen involve a hard deadline. Roberts will never get finished. He lacks that basic ability.
Doing the right thing. How rare.
Much like many of us see no value in apple products.
You make a lot of assumptions about who down voted what.
Here is a hint. You are the first person I down voted in this thread.
I’m sure they will still be around.
The best routers don’t have any WiFi.
I have a fourth generation I7 with 8gb of ram running pfsense. Its free and you can’t beat it for baked in capabilities. I run pfblocker ng and snort to block ads maleware and useless(to me) telemety that my non linux machines send in regularly. Microsoft, Amazon and others. I also have wiregurad for vpn access to my home. You can also install the ntopng package and get really good realtime information on what is going on on your network. For years I used open wrt but the two don’t really compare. If you had to compare, openwrt is like a geo metro and pfsense is like a sports car.
a new non dlink router. Since the should be named f-link for a number of reasons.
I’ve started removing trash sites. I blocked twatter and reddit at my router.
Came here to say something like this. Its clear that we will not get anything that benefits the real citizens.