Tale of Two Wastelands for Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Tale of Two Wastelands for Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
The bots are there to sell things to humans, collect data on humans, or persuade humans to do things. You want money, power, or to manipulate people into voting against their own self-interests? That’s what bots are for.
Is this your first exposure to FOSS? If so, you are in for a treat. There’s a whole world of free, open source software out there for you to enjoy.
Yeah, it’s 100% free.
Windows was doing an Ubuntu-like release cycle on 10 with standard releases every 6 months and LTS releases every 2 years. There was no need for them to release Windows 11 other than branding. They could have simply kept up their scheduled release cadence like every linux distro does.
Yes TikTok, that’s what a ban is.
Any of the businesses that have hopped on the AI train. $200/month is basically the price of a single Indian call center employee. A company can pay for the AI subscription and fire 90% of the call center, using humans only for escalation.
That’s nothing to a business.
Let’s help grow Peertube, then.
My bad, I thought you were making a joke about Pika saying “planned obsidence” instead of “planned obsolescence.” I did not realize you were making a genuine inquiry.
Planned obsolescence is when businesses intentionally design a product to become useless after a period of time.
For example, imagine a high end camera company that also sells replacement parts. They change their lens shape every model, and only keep the most recent models’ lenses in production. When an older model’s lens inevitably breaks, the customer cannot buy a replacement, and thus has pressure to buy s new camera, and the company hopes that most customers will buy from them again.
We see this in tech with smartphone companies only giving OS updates for a few years, causing older phones to go end of life, so even if the phone is fully functional it needs to be replaced. Again, the company hopes the customer will again buy from them rather than going to a competitor (who is likely running the same scheme.)
OP suggests Microsoft’s TPM requirement is there to force new computer sales, which will include a purchase of a Windows 11 OEM license bundled with the PC.
The planned obstinance lawsuit.
Seriously, I’ve had way more printer issues on Windows than linux.
I’ve always taken it as they’re tabulating the gifts:
“Wow, today he gave me three french hens! Plus I have the two turtle doves from yesterday and the partridge in a pear tree from Christmas day!”
“Enrolled PCs will continue to receive Critical and Important security updates for Windows 10; however, new features, bug fixes, and technical support will no longer be available from Microsoft,” explains Yusuf Mehdi, executive vice president and consumer chief marketing officer at Microsoft.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
No, redundancy is fine. It’s the proprietary backend and Ubuntu forcing it on users that people don’t like.
LLM completely whiffed on this one:
Yes, and they’re encouraging people to throw it out. At least some users think to sell on the secondary market, but third party buyers can only get so much out of EOL Windows machines and there are only so many linux users with an interest in buying up old hardware.
I myself have a couple of used laptops, but don’t need any more hardware for a while, so it’s not like I’m able to buy up any. I fear much of it will rot in a landfill.
Big company recommends users turn functional hardware into e-waste so they can boost quarterly profits.
Luckily between Amazon and ESPN+ I can meet most of my sportsball needs. For those not on the apps, there are websites that can assist.
Well this article can safely be ignored.