It’s one of the easiest to pick up and play imo. There’s no bad tracks so just select a cup and you’re guaranteed to have a good time with or without friends
Donkey Kong with that Mushroom haunts my nightmares. Most horrifying thing i’ve heard
It was a bold choice to go back and make the prequels 7 & 8
One of my favorite things to do is get lost in the world. There’s so much detail that makes it feel alive. For example I was playing today and was stopped by this lady who complemented my horse and challenged me to a race i won
I’m not normally this dedicated to things. I’m honestly surprised i’ve kept up on it this long. I have like 90 different projects that range from Games i’ve tried to make too books i tried to write that just never got finished
Steam Deck is great at handling it, at least for the first hour. Last i checked It had this crippling bug on SteamOS where performance just started killing itself after a while. Changing the Video cache size from anything other than the default also hurts it. It runs fine beyond that though and would highly suggest playing if you want to play it on the go
I’ll have to try and finish it up as Arthur so i can do that. I’m trying to experience everything i can without over extending myself, if that makes sense
I’ll have too prepare for another playthrough at some point. I finished my first a few months ago and was really wanting more
you’d be surprised. i’ve had a few close calls where i’ll take the screenshots and then can’t remember if i posted them or not lol
I love the Online, but even i will admit Online is so disappointing. With how many hackers run rampant and the lack of content, it feels like it’s just been left to rot
Definitely. One of my favorite things to do is just turn off the mini-map and go through the world blind. It’s really fun making your own landmarks to navigate and really helps me appreciate the world
I know how you feel. I’ve been having a bug where it crashes after a few hours of playing. I feel like it’s been getting shorter and shorter though
The best part was that we completely forgot it was there, so the moment we load in we get Peter running at us saying “I’m a Jehovah’s Witness”
My friend has Arbiter currently as his Steam PFP, and we both said if we do another run through a campaign soon we need to find him an Arbiter mod
I’m in the same boat. I gott just to the end on launch and then stopped. I hope to finish it this time, because it’s a really fun game
The fishing is so much fun. I’ve legit gathered a group of 4 in the past just so we can chill out and fish
I did the exact opposite lol. Usually I’m a stealth person but Jacob got me to enjoy running around punching people and only played Evie unless I was forced
I bought the first one last year and played a bit. It gave me L.A. Noire meets lovecraft vibes
Yeah. Adding onto the Undead Nightmare one, i just don’t feel like it would fit the vibe of Red Dead 2. As much as i’d love another one, Red Dead 2 feels like it takes itself a bit more seriously than the first one. i’m not really sure what it is, but i’m just not sure an Undead Nightmare would fit at all.
I love the sounds he makes 64 era. I genuinely wish it stuck around a little bit longer