Wow, that was a really extensive but insightful article.
Wow, that was a really extensive but insightful article.
The sad part is, even if the next government is going to be more open-minded again, it is doubtful whether they’d want to spend the effort to reintroduce all of the content, solutions etc.
lol. Sad but true.
Who the fuck cares? 😦
Using it for four years or so, very happy with it.
I find Flow fantastic for discovering new songs.
What the hell are you taking about? Get out of your bubble.
Interesting, and shameful, didn’t know that.
Tell me this isn’t corruption.
Sad but true. Intel’s performance was poor over the last year. Shuddering thinking about my Mac with Intel CPU, there must be burn victims from this thing. Still, less competition is never a good thing.
Agree. It is unfortunate however, that when being impossibly rich and protected for the rest of your life, you still work on how to squeeze the most out of humanity instead of focusing on something greater.
Agree, there’s a lot going on. How I see it:
@xxx are snaps, limiting result to any resource from a website e.g. Wikipedia.com
!xxx are bangs, using the sites own search engine to return results. They are external searches, and might provide more (if the site does not expose certain parts to search engine) or less (if the site didn’t build search capabilities for some parts but they are indexable) than snaps.
Lenses return search results based on certain criteria. Those could be a list of snaps (so domains), but also geography, keywords, file types, or they could exclude the same.
Haha yeah, it looks like a fake picture or some cartoon.
I’m sorry, but it seems like you’re playing with tools and code you don’t understand. First, this has nothing in common with a virus. That is either a click bait or you don’t understand what it is you are looking at. If it crashes your computer, it is simply badly written code. Any programmer has done something similarly (in their area of domain, ie not necessarily able to crash a computer).
For the next time, I would recommend you to use the AI to explain the code and ask questions about it.
Cool to see a possible replacement for Arc coming up now that The Browser Company put it aside. I loved it’s way of kind of forcing you to use a single window, but multiple instances of it, as well as Little Arc. Will keep monitoring Zen to see how it develops.