Where’s my husband? - desperate housewives of silicon valley
Where’s my husband? - desperate housewives of silicon valley
The bad Ai dj. The car thing they rolled back. The new logo that’s the same as the old one, but now border. The cache that causes you to hear the same ten songs multiple times in a week.
Is there a FOSS Instagram? I miss just having a simple “photo diary” to share with friends and family.
If I recall, sand is a WASTE product of getting pure enough silicon.
Hopefully new competitors on the market will all have to try their best before they start being shitty.
Me: divide by 0
Ai: OK you are the new CEO. Which sales slates would you like to run next week?
The history of TV, in reverse. And then forward again.
At first, it was an impossibly expensive medium rules by a cartel of agencies and advertisers. Eventually, HBO comes along and shows you don’t have to just make a bunch of lowest common denominator drivel.
Netflix eventually shows that the internet can be a way cheaper model than cable. Finally, money shows up in the streaming model, remaking advertiser friendly cable in the internet age. All in about 2.5 decades.
Gambling on getting hit by lightning
Dear ladies and gentleman of the jury. I will now argue that the LLM that programmed the fire breathing dog, did so in such a manner as to make it sentient. The dog was able to and did act of it’s own accord when it killed the woman, Ms Smith. The defendant here did not create sentience in the dog, nor could he have known turning the dog on, outside, may result in the fire breathing dog torch a bystander to death.
You can see here, the dogs walking and urination patterns closely align with a real, organic dog. This definitively proves that the dog killed the woman, and now the defendant, who only released the dog into nature. Thank you very much.
Go on Instagram. Like four photos of girls in bikinis. The ad tool will figure out what you want shortly.
Cities should socialize ride shares, delivery shares, bike/scooter shares.
Sure some guy invented an app to make them all slightly easier, and he made a ton a money. Cool. Good for him. Time to make the technology work for people.
Every time the power goes out…!