And Canada Gooses! Canada Gooses are barrel-chested and majestic! The envy of all ornithologies!
And Canada Gooses! Canada Gooses are barrel-chested and majestic! The envy of all ornithologies!
tell me more…
I’m an AI/comp-sci novice, so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but does running the program locally allow you to better control the information that it trains on? I’m a college chemistry instructor that has to write lots of curriculum, assingments and lab protocols; if I ran deepseeks locally and fed it all my chemistry textbooks and previous syllabi and assignments, would I get better results when asking it to write a lab procedure? And could I then train it to cite specific sources when it does so?
I only got to play at my friend’s house, and I think I got stuck on Minos (or whatever the Greek island was) and couldn’t get past it before they bought a new computer
This map bothers me as they omit Lake Tahoe, which is higher than Baikal (~6,200 ft) and deeper than everything except Baikal (~1,600 ft deep)
What’s the point of including all that empty space between Baikal and Titicaca when there’s a world renowned lake that would be great to include
Although, that corn may simply be undigested crap.
Yeah, I tend to agree, although I recently went back and listened to Incubus recently, and it’s mostly pretty good (although still dated)
The Mars Volta and White Stripes are still solid, too. Oasis still sounds ok, and Radiohead is obviously phenomenal, but they are far and away the exceptions. There was some good stuff that made it to alt rock radio stations, but the “dominating the world” bands are pretty bad now. Papa Roach, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, etc. should be relegated to the dustbin of history
This seems sounds this is a good metric on the surface, but let’s try it out.
Corned beef on pizza? Sounds great. Sauerkraut? Uhh, ok, maybe. Mayonnaise? What the actual fuck…
What the removed kind of snakes do you have living around you?
I agree with everything you said, except I would argue that capitalism is the Sixth Horseman of the Apocalypse, seeing as one of the original four was already replaced during a translation. The original text were interpreted as “Conquest, War, Famine, and Death,” and the story I remember from my New Testament course in college was that in the early 1900’s, it was thought that Conquest was too similar to War, so they used one of the later passages that specified that the horsemen would bring death by “sword, famine, plague, and the wild beasts of the earth” to rebrand Conquest as Pestilence. In fact, now reading up on it from Wikipedia, apparently the first two horsemen were likely both supposed to represent war, with the white rider (Conquest) representing “righteous/justified war” and the red rider (War) supposed to represent “civil war,” which is interesting.
In fact, given how vaccines and modern medicine have dramatically lowered the death by infectious disease in the 20th century, it’s likely time for another rebranding (relevant xkcd), so I’d replace “pestilence” with “capitalism” or even “profit” if I were feeling flowery.
edit: Upon further reading, apparently the third horseman (Famine) could also be interpreted as a form of capitalistic excess, since it’s accompanied by a voice that describes rising market prices for staples such as bread and is carrying market scales. Traditionally, this is thought to indicate Famine as loaves of bread would be weighed during food shortages, but the accompanying voice seems to indicate that luxuries are still available, so I could easily make the argument that the passage is about the rich tending to their own needs while ignoring the needs of the poor (which sounds an awful lot like modern US politics/capitalism).
Edit 2: So I guess I’d rebrand all three of the riders preceding Death so that I’d interpret things as “Imperialism, Extremism, Capitalism, and Death,” or put a little more poetically, “Conquest, Discord, Avarice, and Death”
Like any decent Lovecraftian work, it looks like a big ol’ bag of NOPE.