But then I still have to use the app drawer. There’s a reason why every mobile OS shows you your favourites first.
But then I still have to use the app drawer. There’s a reason why every mobile OS shows you your favourites first.
So no quick way to open my 30ish favorite apps? Is there also a gesture to close an app or do I need to press the close button?
Well, I can simply open an app by tapping it on the home screen on Android. What do I need to do on Gnome?
You can’t even open an application on Gnome without pressing the small Activities button on the top left of the screen.
Give me a good Linux distro that’s great on a tablet PC
Firefox 130 was released on the 3th of September, almost 2 months ago. This didn’t just happen in a short time frame.
uBlock Origin can just hide cookie pop ups if you enable said filter, and AdNauseam still loads the ad so you still have slower page loading speed and increased network traffic.
To be fair, gamers love to spend their money on microtransactions. Just look at how much money is being made from that.
US only iirc
The reply, for those interested:
Many thanks for your enquiries dated 29 January 2024 and 10 February 2024 and your interest in the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”).
Your questions concern the Commission’s decision of 5 September 2023 designating Apple Inc. (“Apple”) as a gatekeeper under the DMA (see here for the public version of the decision).
The Commission’s designation decision is based on the evidence available to the Commission and submissions made by Apple taking into account the legal framework under the DMA. Regarding your questions, we note the following:
The Commission designated Apple’s operating system iOS. The Commission considers that Apple has provided sufficient facts and arguments to hold that iOS and iPadOS constitute each a distinct operating system core platform service, with only iOS meeting the quantitative thresholds for designation. However, the Commission has opened a market investigation in the qualitative designation of iPadOS. This investigation is currently ongoing. Should the Commission qualitatively designate iPadOS, it would be subject to the same obligations under the DMA as iOS.
The Commission designated Apple’s software application store App Store, which is currently offered on different Apple devices running on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS as a single core platform service, irrespective of the device on which it is used. This is because, based on the evidence in the file, the App Store is used for the same common purpose from both an end user and a business user perspective across all devices on which it is available, namely to intermediate the distribution of apps.
We hope this answers your questions. For any further information, including on the upcoming compliance phase, please visit the Commission’s DMA website under https://digital-markets-act.ec.europa.eu/
Kind regards,
The DMA Team
I feel proud, as I contacted the EU commission regarding this specific issue
Wait, how does a VPN break TLS encryption?
It’s been a while, so the answer would probably be no. That’s why I’m asking. Last time I used Gnome, the home screen was always empty. Favourites are only shown after pressing the Super key or going into Activities. Is that not the case anymore?