Venture capitalist Tim Draper believes that bitcoin will transform El Salvador into one of the wealthiest nations in the world
Or one of the poorest? To the moooon 🔻
Venture capitalist Tim Draper believes that bitcoin will transform El Salvador into one of the wealthiest nations in the world
Or one of the poorest? To the moooon 🔻
Yeah but Brave? Why not Firefox or Vivaldi.
Disappointed that it’s only one arrow! I do appreciate the red circle. Also needs a bit more clickbait title in the thumbnail.
I don’t know, is this supposed to be a joke? A wild sense of humor? If you would have to hypothetically have to sleep on the production line, it tells me the management doesn’t know management.
I would like to see a CEO pull this “joke” in the EU. How long until he would be crucified.
Reading the comments from that article is a prime example of how a cult functions.
In reality this will have a 0,002% impact. Most phone users are tech-illiterate and have no idea how to use their devices. You expect these people to go to a different store? On Android you can have other app stores, why don’t you have? Because Play Store is default and all app developers want to be where most users are, not on a 3-4% user share store.
It will most likely be background noise in the first months and everyone will go back to the App Store. The only people that will use an alternate store will most likely be the same ones that use F-droid, so 0,002% of the users.
But hey, it’s better to scream how this whole thing is making their devices less secure, because Apple told them so.
Reading on different Apple sites, it’s hilarious. People are acting like they are being sued. Crazy to watch how cult members react. I mean it’s unhealthy but it is what it is.