Welcome to Lemmy, or if it’s your first time on the fediverse, welcome to the fediverse altogether!
Welcome to Lemmy, or if it’s your first time on the fediverse, welcome to the fediverse altogether!
You’re right, at what cost…?
You mean the same Spez who took credit from his dead friend for Reddit’s success? That Spez?
No one outside of China has their data stored there, though.
It’s already gone because it’s not disclosed when or why it is moved to servers where the Chinese govt can decrypt it, but I guess it depends on who you’re worried about having your data
No 👏 they 👏 do 👏 not.
Get Apple’s dick out of your ass.
They literally have a history of moving data to government servers and handing over encryption keys: https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/how-apple-gave-chinese-government.html?m=1
Ignoring the fact they already did this in China? And by the way, you have no way of knowing when your data was uploaded to the Chinese servers
Different jurisdiction
Google is not interested in a larger screen size so that more ads that otherwise wouldn’t have been scrolled to can count as an impression. Given 95% of apps are scroll based anyways, you would get what - a couple percent more impressions on ads the user wouldn’t have scrolled past before closing their phone?
No, this is not the main reason, especially when you consider every major phone brand on the market is going this way.
It’s obviously a case of “consumers see big and click buy” (see: cars) and “big phone means more battery life and better specs we can market”.
I don’t think phone makers are that close to ad companies.
It’s most likely the same thing as a truck- people say they don’t want this insecurity driven monstrosity, but test after test, people buy the bigger one.
Edit: I mis-wrote that, my implication was that the people deciding the phone size spec are going to be doing it off hard data like what customers like to buy and what extra hardware they can fit in. I know Google owns Pixel, but the data point surrounding more ad impressions is extremely weak compared to literally any other data point regarding consumer choices
Doesn’t China emit like half the amount of carbon per capita compared to the US?
Happened to Lemmy 2 years ago, but there’s still more than enough of you ladies and gents to keep it as my only social media app :)
Y’all not heard of cash?
I think that’s the start of the conversation. Which Desktop Environment?
Really? I just asked ChatGPT and this is what it had to say:
This claim is misleading because AI can enhance critical thinking by providing diverse perspectives, data analysis, and automating routine tasks, allowing users to focus on higher-order reasoning. Critical thinking depends on how AI is used—passively accepting outputs may weaken it, but actively questioning, interpreting, and applying AI-generated insights can strengthen cognitive skills.
Years ago I did a UX study on Lemmy’s frontend, and tbh not much has changed since. Things like when editing a thread, the Save button is multiple proximity separators apart from the text you’re editing, making it very easy to missclick cancel. Or in the community search, you can’t search on specific instances that aren’t yours.
I’ve gotten very used to the UI over time but it definitely needs a “pain point” passover
Hello from Lemmy.ml! Great to see new people around here, maybe this is the wave we need to kick off the RuneScape community ;)