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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Isn’t that interesting…

    The anbility to prevent the getting-out of evidence of what the authorities do to the locals…

    Just like the unconstitutional state-laws which criminalize capturing-of-video-evidene of police executing people…

    “I wonder” if this would ever be abused by anti-accountability authorities…

    ( remember that the whole Christian religion is founded on a guy who was a kind of whistleblower, & had spikes hammered through his wrists, in his crucifixion, for his calling the legalists “hypocrites”…

    I wonder how “Christian” he’d find them to be, if he returned, & saw what they’re doing? )

    Human nature & demon nature seem … related?

    or is that too harsh?

    … perhaps … but wasn’t the Inquisition demon-law in the name of benJoseph?


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  • IF you are in accounting, especially if you are in regulatory compliance accounting, or going into it, you NEED to know about a book named “Financial Shenanigans”.

    I’m not intellectually-equal to it ( or to accounting, for that matter: psychology’s much easier to crack, for me ), but it is THE most important book for forensic-accountants to know.

    The bullshit that they’ve been pulling, where “Between 2017 and 2021, Amazon had more than $25 billion in losses from its devices business, according to the documents. The losses for the years before and after that period couldn’t be determined.” didn’t produce criminal consequences…

    You’ve got to be kidding, right?

    Individual human goes to jail or prison for $2k tax fraud, but … big tech gets a free pass on that kind of “accounting”??

    couldn’t be determined??

    Either run a tight-ship or don’t be surprised when it sinks.

    Economies are the “ships” that carry our countries, & have to be properly regulated, exactly as a tightly-regulated ship has to be, to keep it afloat longer.

    It isn’t the sloppy mechanic-racers who win NASCAR, it is the ones who control everything correctly, with total right-regulation.

    I remember when I’d read that Cisco switched to closing their books out daily, so as to always know the exact position of the company…

    what an incredible degree of financial-operations integrity that was…

    Anyways, “Financial Shenanigans” is THE book to dig into, if you want to know if the business you’re considering investing in is cooking the books… and you’re capable of understanding that stuff at the level it’s speaking…

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  • I read that Scarlett’s family & friends couldn’t tell it apart from her actual voice.

    I’d say that “Open AI” or whatever they’re called, trained it specifically on only her voice.

    The seems-narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath-CEO whats-his-face tried to get her to agree to this,

    she wouldn’t agree,

    he tweeted “her” when releasing the update ( after Scarlett’s movie )

    she lawyered up,

    he backed down…

    I’d say it’s a clear case of identity-theft-for-profit of a celebrity, by a consistently narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath who’s kinda leaving lots of corpses of “integrity” all over the place.

    There’s some law which protects celebrities from use of their likeness, and rightly:

    it’s their “coin” that their career is made-of, right?

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  • When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,

    and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,

    then humanity will not have any means of countering that:

    it will be too late.

    We are “the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water”.

    People pretend that monopoly is “maybe” harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.

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  • I remember somebody was doing 3D-woven composites, possibly for spacecraft, some years ago…

    This is essentially the same idea, but with nanotubes.

    This suggests that weaving reinforcement tow through the layers of the layup would be structurally-significant, if it were done densely-in-pattern, enough…

    In aerospace, maybe it’d be structurally significant ( aircraft have, iirc, only a 10% margin in structural-strength, though that may be just the aluminum semi-monocoque builds )

  • I have read that the actuality includes a loophole you didn’t speak of:

    Once someoen owns shares, they can privately-sell them, or give them away, or will them to someone…

    Once enough people have done this, the “private” company becomes actually publically-traded, though not on any exchange…

    …creating some legal difficulties, re regulations.

    From that bit, which I never would have known to even consider ( some article I read, some years ago ), then it looks like people can sell their shares to another private-individual.

    Maybe some jurisdictions prohibit that.

    I don’t know, I’m just identifying an angle people apparently haven’t commonly considered.

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  • I see an alignment-problem:

    IF it is paid by the job-seekers, who may be destitute, THEN the rich job-seekers distort the market in their favor.

    ELSIF it is paid by the job-posters, who definitely intend to underpay all whom they hire, then it has motivation to help misrepresent things.

    Enshittification is inevitable, either-way.

    I hold that the Fediverse NEEDS a LinkedIn replacement, the problem is that a healthy such replacement is in the Public interest, & therefore the Public ought be paying for it.

    Which will never happen, in the lobbied-puppets “electorate” world.

    It isn’t even a political question, left or right, it is a market-integrity question.

    The greater the integrity of the employment-market, the stronger the country, obviously.

    Therefore removing the job-board/job-market from ALL special-interest-groups/torquers/machiavellians can significantly benefit the country(ies) who impliment correctly, in the long-term/strategic scope.

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  • I hold that this is true of all neural-nets, organic as well as silicon:

    Once a person has sided with treachery, rooting it out from one’s unconscious-mind is … enduringly difficult, if not intractable.

    I don’t know how many decades it takes to eradicate the roots of it, if it can be done, at all:

    the unconscious-mind mechanism, that-is the Kahneman System-1 ( from “Thinking Fast & Slow” ) imprint is going to still be there, even if overlaid with another imprint ( since mind is holographic/pattern-imprints in function ).

    Worse, it is the motivation that need change, and motivation is of ego, which is of identity, so many who “reform” only do-so superficially.

    I’m not saying this as some goody-2-shoes, I’m saying this as a person who was raised by narcissists, and therefore embodied much narcissism, and class-prejudice ( dad was a doctor: you can’t get more upper-middle-class status-prejudiced than doctor-culture )…

    …who finally cracked the root kernel of the class-prejudice in my unconscious-mind’s identity-crystal at the end of a 25d hard-line fast, out in the bush.

    It took that to fracture the identity-crystal’s prejudice.

    It’s been a decade since then, & I’m still fighting to eradicate its treachery from my nature.

    Neural-nets are tough to purge, or clean-up & make upright.

    MUCH easier to keep a neural-net pristine through all of its formation, than to try ( endlessly failing ) to clean it up, after it’s become enemy-intent in “family” clothing.

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