Before “blowing up” meant trending on Xitter
Before “blowing up” meant trending on Xitter
Serbia has joined the chat…
I have one that’s preeeety close to stealing stuff from Star Wars, with the baddie, Phantor Gorth, occasionally turning up looking mighty like Darth Vader.
Terran Trade Authority?
I did not have that on my bingo card
Yeah, I really enjoy Mastodon, this news sucks. Got any recommendations on what I might replace it with for iOS?
It forgot “carry on with the shooting of morally bankrupt CEOs”, but I suppose you can’t blame it for not being bang up to date
I’ve seen people (presumably you OP) post this dude’s stuff a fair few times, and I think the style is fantastic. They’re awesome as individual pieces, but I’d really, really like to see a graphic novel or something by this artist. Is that something that exists? I have had a search, and all I could find is a sketchbook available in Singapore or something, and that wasn’t shipped to Europe.
I mean, it’s already half way there, all they got to do is make it funny
Close enough for the girls I go out with
As Yoda says, “start or start not, there is no try 14 times and then the problems randomly fixes its self just as the killer breaks the windows or whatever”
But also worth remembering that kid who made a nuclear reactor in his shed. Ai wasn’t around back then, but if it had been then, maybe, juuuust maybe….
And I’ll be fucked if I can get them right first time round half the time!
Author’s website, which, after playing a little text game, takes you to a better place to buy it from than Bezos’s fetid swamp - https://curiousvideogamemachines.com/