I stopped my donations to Mozilla.
I stopped my donations to Mozilla.
I actually remember that. When I saw the car in space I thought it was a reference to the 1980 movie Heavy Metal. This was when I first learned about Elon.
People neglect that problem. There is so much garbage flying out there at such high speeds that unless something is done, we will never be able to have functional satellites or space launches again.
This is why I will never be rich. I never see business opportunities to buy tons of stock and act upon them.
There was such a real feeling for revolution in those days before fascism came to be and before WW1 had governments pass laws to utterly crush so many leftist movements while boosting the first generation of fascists.
No offense, but they would murder you without a second thought, without remorse, and without any shame whatsoever. They would be banking on getting a pardon for it, too. It happened to the Jan 6 traitors, it happened to the Nisour Square Massacre bastards, Ross Ulbricht got a pardon even though he literally tried to hire a hitman to kill two federal agents (those same feds were also thieves and corrupt and got busted for their crap). This shit isn’t cool, but they treat it like it is.
The whole cartoon hero/villain dynamic of ‘I am not like you, I will not do that’ should only happen AFTER they are thoroughly defeated and no longer capable of harming you, then you can put them up on trial and show them no mercy in the court room.
The situation with the Gaza genocide and the extreme corruption at higher levels completely altered my view of the death penalty. I used to be 100% against the death penalty, but now I am only against it for common criminals and common crimes. People like Ted Cruz and the BTK killer (a mass shooter and serial killer respectively) should rot in prison for the rest of their lives, but war criminals like Netenyahu and IDF foot soldiers who commit war crimes need to be executed with all haste and minimal appeals. Ditto for ‘businessmen’ like Musk and Zuckerberg who thrive on fucking people’s lives over. This goes for high level politicians like Trump and Duterte (who was recently arrested).
Simply put, let the punishment match the scale of the crime. Some armed robber should not receive a harsher sentence for robbing and killing a shop owner than a multinational corporate CEO whose decisions involved crashing entirely economies just so he can spite someone online.
I had my 13 year old account banned on reddit and the ‘final’ statement was saying ‘No, just the problems they deserve blame for’ to a Zionist who accused all Lebanese people of blaming all of Lebanon’s problems on Israel.
Just saying that apparently is a call to violence against Jews…
Fuck it, I’m going to delete the account that I used to get over a previous permaban. I’ll read, but not post. No point in just posting anyway.
This is true, but not everyone who starts rich is necessarily destined to become the wealthiest man on earth. I think his skill is in the fact that he not only have no scruples (what billionaire does?), but he really, really knows how to bullshit a lot of people. Like when he made Zip2 in the 90s, the website just wasn’t complicated. It was nothing more than the yellow-pages online. He had a shitty computer for a server (it was the 90s. Web hosting was done very differently then) but he got a fancy looking case and lied about its capabilities to make it look like some ultra-high end machine when it was not. He was able to trick investors into thinking it was something better than it was.
He also had some genuine help from others (who are not very rich today, sadly) who rewrote the code for his barely functional site. He managed to get 20 million dollars for the whole thing. He lied and cheated his way to the site working and the sale, but it was a success.
I think it is more that he kinda understood how to get other smarter people to somehow allow him to take credit for their work, and also being at the right time and place for everything.
The move fast and break shit is something that worked in the computer sector, and as an elder millenial who grew up with computers since early childhood (my family’s first computer was a C64 in the 80s. I was too young to actually use it) seeing how computers have changed and exploded in power was something to behold. A mid-high end computer in 1980 was stone age junk to a mid-high computer in 1990, and the same thing from 1990 to 2000, and 2000 to 2010.
But you cannot apply the same shit to other sectors. For public services you can’t expect to enter some place, fire everyone, and then think it’ll be OK. It just isn’t. They are services that are DESIGNED to have redundancy in order to properly work.
Take 911 emergency lines for example. I had to call 911 a few times in my life. Do you know how long the average wait time for me was? Zero seconds. Someone picked up right away. Can you imagine what hell would happen if they decided to apply regular customer service rules to a fucking 911 line? If you had to wait 5 or 10 or 15 minutes to get to someone, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE. Criminals are going to be getting away with their shit far more frequently than before. They will get bolder, too, since they know that police response times will be dramatically increased. (even in the 1970s. The stopwatch gang in Canada had a system where they would get in a bank, rob the place, and be out in less than 60 seconds. The speed at which they operated made it very difficult for people and police to get there on time since most people won’t even have fully processed whatever the hell was going on in that amount of time).
But that being said. I am genuinely amazed at just how successful Elon has been in enriching himself despite being a highly stupid, socially inept, and extremely inarticulate individual.
Move zig move zig move zig, you know what you doing take off every zig!
I could have been a junior dev that could code. I learned to do it before ChatGPT. I just never got the job.
It makes HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyessy seem realistic. In the movie he is a highly technical AI but doesn’t understand the implications of what he wants to do. He sees Dave as a detriment to the mission and it can be better accomplished without him… not stopping to think about the implications of what he is doing.
To be fair, YouTube is a huge source of information now for a massive amount of people.
The one thing that I learned when talking to chatGPT or any other AI on a technical subject is you have to ask the AI to cite its sources. Because AIs can absolutely bullshit without knowing it, and asking for the sources is critical to double checking.
Exactly. I think this is a good barometer of gauging whether or not you can trust it. Ask it about things you know you’re good at or knowledgeable about. If it is giving good information, the type you would give out, then it is probably OK. If it is bullshitting you or making you go ‘uhh, no, actually…’ then you need to do more old-school research.
I am a creative writer (as in, I write stories and stuff) or at least I used to be. Sometimes when talking to chatGPT about ideas for writing it can be interesting, but other times it is kinda annoying since I am more into fine tuning instead of having it innudate me with ideas that I don’t find particularly interesting.
I noticed that. When I ask it about things that I am knowledgeable about or simply wish to troubleshoot I often find myself having to correct it. This does make me hestitant to follow the instructions given on something I DON’T know much about.
I studied webdev and coding the hard way and I loved it. I felt unstoppable. But I still never got the job. But watching those people fail is still quite satisfying.
Pocket change is better than no change.