It’s so strange. I have realized over the last few years that I think I prefer apples stuff to Google or Microsoft but like, they ain’t my family. Just the least bad tech company I can buy certain products from.
These suits will either make the products slightly better or change nothing at all. Why the removed would any consumer be upset by that???
“Privacy” means two different things depending on the audience. For me privacy means that my information is not being used to advance some organizations commercial interest. For others it means that my information will never be shared with a government.
Don’t advertise to me
Don’t narc on me
I guess I don’t really expect a company to resist pressure from government agencies on my behalf. Especially if I have been using their service to commit crimes in my country. If you are doing things your government would prefer you didn’t, hire a good lawyer and consult with them about what should be sent via email (spoiler, it’s nothing). The mafia doesn’t send emails, or put anything in writing, if you do crimes, you shouldn’t either.