We should really start to believe them when they say these things, and prepare accordingly.
We should really start to believe them when they say these things, and prepare accordingly.
No development required, I think they can open a drawer somewhere and pick one of several soviet designs. If they want a nuke, they can build one right away.
It would cost them the support of their allies, however, and they cannot afford that.
It’s saber rattling.
I switched my main gaming computer to Mint after testing it on a laptop. Being away from Windows is awesome. You know how everything always wants your attention on Windows? Your antivirus proudly announces its existence. Windows wants to know if it should remove some printers? Some PDF software needs updated RIGHT NOW. There’s a license change please acknowledge this 20 page document. Animated attention grabbing everywhere. I always think FUCK OFF when presented with this bullshit.
You know what - Mint doesn’t do that. I’ve not been internally shouting at my own computer since I went that way.
It is serene.
DE Wikipedia says Masurian was a polish dialect, so you might think this was a way of disguising a polish minority as something else, but the Masurians opted German after WWI. The language was forbidden by the nazis (leopards…) and later died out as the people dispersed after WWII or were polonised.