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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • I saw this title a couple of times during conferences in the past years and I liked the general atmosphere and style, but I had absolutely no clue what kind of gameplay to expect.

    Now that I seen it, it reminds me of The Division in a different theme. Was expecting a whole different kind of game for some reason. Can’t say the gameplay looks very interesting though, seems quite basic and bland, especially comparing to the Division games. Might still check it out since I like the style and theme.

  • I frequently had to test other developer’s code, the fucking amount of times I heard that shit.

    “Your code ain’t working”

    “It’s working for me”

    “Well it isn’t working for me, did you actually test it”


    “On anything else than your own PC?”

    “It was working fine for me”

    “It fucking isn’t, look!”


    For fuck sake just take like 1 minute to press on a frikking button to see if it actually does work.

    Glad I’m not doing that shit anymore.

  • That’s been pretty much a similar experience I used to have. Especially online games often suffer from poor Linux support because anti-cheat systems aren’t working, or not up-to-date, or something else entirely. It just felt like there was always something. I just want to boot up my PC and get going. Not boot it up and having to spend half the evening trying to figure out why a random driver/game/anti-cheat update destroyed everything that was working fine.

    I’d be fine trying it again, but I know that a few games I play are still struggling with Linux issues, judging by the regular posts popping up on the related social media platforms.

  • That’s the thing. I play a lot of online games, not specifically competitive games, but they frequently do use stuff like EAC. And the amount of times I’ve seen EAC issues paired with Linux posts pop up on various social platforms is ridiculous. It seems like a recurring thing that requires constant maintenance. Not to mention I use Windows for more than just games. Stuff like Adobe doesn’t even work on Linux and probably won’t be anytime soon either (and no I am not going to use alternative programs).

    The effort and time it takes to get stuff working on Linux usually isn’t worth it, and then there’s hoping that everything stays working whenever something gets updated.

    It’s quite ridiculous how a lot of people on this platform take it as a personal insult though. The article title is complete clickbait anyway.