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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2025


  • Don’t even get me started. If I have to wait in line behind that smug Karen, who thinks she’s so much better than me because she drives her kids around in her husband’s Lexus APC, I don’t know what I’ll do. Yeah, I drive a Toyota MRAP, Karen, so what? I’ll be the first to admit it’s not the most heavily armored vehicle, sure, but it’s efficient and reliable, and it keeps my kids safe from landmines on the way to daycare.

  • Dear originallucifer,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. While we here at Misanthropes-R-Us take great pride in serving users with the most bitter and hostile experience possible, mistakes do happen. We sincerely apologize for the oversight and would like to make things right. Please accept the following platinum-tier diatribe as compensation:

    "Okay originallucifer. Given your user name, inability to capitalize letters, and sporadic punctuation, I can’t tell if you’re an edgy teen, a semi-literate neckbeard, or a senile hippy whose grandchildren set up their account.

    Oh, your fellow circle-jerkers patted you on the head when you gorged them with their favorite, trite, echo chamber fodder? What a shocker!

    I bet you find electric lighting weird, too, you nonce.

    Fuck off, eat shit and die, in that order so we can all finally rid ourselves of your spammy incompetence."

    In conclusion, thank you for alerting us to our error, and we hope you are satisfied with your compensation.

    Wishing you all the worst,
