I haven’t gotten anything of use from Apple Intelligence. Even just using it is difficult, and Siri is possibly dumber than she was before.
I haven’t gotten anything of use from Apple Intelligence. Even just using it is difficult, and Siri is possibly dumber than she was before.
Because of course it won’t
I don’t want to read this article, because I know it’s right, and it’s depressing.
My contact information is in Google search results?!
And disabled people, and people with mental health needs.
That statement is good enough for you
Unfortunately, we don’t monitor and regulate things here in the US anymore
We DO have the spear of Longinus available, right? RIGHT?
My understanding is that they didn’t really work to begin with
I’m still trying to figure out Microscope Loops; stop confusing me!
And with 900 million dollars, I feel like I could have done some actual good in the world.
The advertisers can flock back all they want; I’m still not going there.
Yeah, the Roku OS is REALLY baked in there and REALLY wants your data, and they recently updated it to make it even harder to circumvent. The trick is to just block its connection at the router level.
Elastic shoelaces. Game changer.
There’s plenty of people in this very thread who are super proud of their 7 year old $300 nameless small tvs
It might be kind of helpful for like a portion of the population. Maybe.
This just doesn’t seem to click for a lot of people for some reason that I cannot explain whatsoever. I don’t even have mine connected to electricity when I’m not using it.
It’s lower down in the list.
I’m not sure there’s anything else I want to consume…