Isn’t rumble the same? Lul what the fuck is going on with the world.
Isn’t rumble the same? Lul what the fuck is going on with the world.
My gym required me to go the location I signed up and cancel in person lul. I just told them I don’t live in the country anymore and I’m calling from abroad, they can either cancel or get charge backed. They canceled quick.
And that’s for iceberg lettuce. Romain and it’s kind have loose leafs so a ton gets in there. Bok Choi too, I cook with it a lot and I see a bit of dirt in there all the time. I always give my veggies a good rinse.
It’s not much but I charge all my battery electronics at work and fill my water growlers too they have a pretty great filter here. I have a bunch of camping electronics. Couple flashlights/magnet lights, couple battery packs, portable rechargeable air pump. I’m thinking of getting one of those big Boi anker power bricks for when I travel.
You say that but that’s literally how we got all the ‘good’ stuff we enjoy as employees now, in the US at least. Guys wbacj then literally went to war against the bosses and physically forced them to the metaphorical table.
The markets insane unfortunately. You can still find solid deals abroad though. I visited Japan and picked up all the original Gameboy Pokémon cartridges for 100 bucks total. Red, blue, green, yellow, gold and silver. All working and in like new condition. Got a mint original n64 controller plus rumble pack in Mexico for 8 bucks.
What sort of prices were they charging?
You would need to screw the plywood into the roof so it doesn’t shift around and damage stuff during the whole process, nobody is gonna wanna do that. Boom lifts are ocassionally used for extremely tall properties but they add to the price. You’re forgetting the biggest issue though, liability. My company stopped doing fumigations cause of the liability involved. Getting the plywood on the roof is gonna take a lot of effort and more than just a boom lift, you’re gonna need huge slabs of it to properly cover panels, I don’t know if you’ve seen them but they’re not small. They usually cover significant portions of the roof.
At that point it would just be cheaper to pay a company to remove them and reinstall vs all that other effort.
If there was a better way the companies would do it to make money. There just isn’t unless the owner is willing to shell out and many aren’t, even the rich ones and we work with A LOT of rich people. They own million dollar homes and have multiple homes all over the area.
You drop heavy ass tarps on the roof and roll them to tent a house, I’m taking couple hundred pound tarps. The workers need to be able to walk on the roof to set them up, the tarps can and have damaged panels so companies in the area don’t fumigate with them on anymore.
I work closely with a fumigation company and that’s what they’ve told us.
Might be cause they make roof redos or fumigation even more expensive. I had a customer say they were paying 3k to get their panels removed so they could pay another 3k to fumigate the house. Almost doubled the price.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree that we should require panels in new builds somehow but I don’t know what the best option is.
Lul good luck in court. Section 69.420 🤡 says you agree to arbitration, fuck you.
Or you could just hit restart on the phone and at least on android it asks for the code first before enabling finger print or face ID.
My issue with Scarlet funnily enough is that she’s Scarlet. She’s too big of a star to really meld into the majors role. I just felt like I was watching black widow on screen. Sorta spoilers for anyone who cares but
the majors body is full on robot so technically she could be any nationality and color but it would have fit better if they picked someone who fit her original motif since it sorta matters. With the whole, ghost in the machine thing. I’m a huge fan of the franchise and I’m sad that this was the big live action debut.
Dude, I was wondering why someone hadn’t done this the moment they discovered Ai was terrible at math. I would have imagine the crowds who deal with both would have some overlap at least.
They’ve infested other places too. Fuggin the sketchier pirate movie streaming sites have movies that just have gambling site watermarks all throughout the movie. It’s crazy.
It’s survivorship bias combined with easily accessible media. Plenty of people died young back then but if it wasn’t family or close friends you might not have heard of it until years and years later if at all. Some might assume friends just drifted away, it’s life.
Same with appliances. People say old appliances were significantly better, and I understand in certain areas they might have been but if they were truly so great why aren’t old appliances all over the play, plenty of old people still alive that wouldn’t have bought new appliances just because.
Out of curiosity, how do they shoot in your experience? I’ve never shot but have friends and family in the armed forces who’ve I’ve spoken about this to and I don’t doubt the military could win against a horde assuming they’re regular walking dead zombies and not left 4 dead ones. You don’t have to have perfect aim when you can unload at height level into a crowd.
Also, tanks.