I’m so thankful for them. Love me some Blood Angels. But go back and look at the customization in SM1. It was an entire universe apart.
I’m so thankful for them. Love me some Blood Angels. But go back and look at the customization in SM1. It was an entire universe apart.
The issue is the customization. I dont know how everyone else feels but SM1 was better because we got to play dress up with any chapter we wanted pretty much. SM2 has a fraction of that. What it does have 80% is Ultra Marine focused.
I mean, can we go back to more SM1 than 2? I wanna play boi dress up with each chapter. Not just the Ultra Marines and other loyalists.
Its the same as its always been. There was always a small subset of the population interested and developing computer sciences. There was never this time where all the youngins knew computers like they did breathing. That was a fallacy.
Wake up.
Stand up.
Pass out.
Its out now. I’m talking about taking advantage of this toilet bowl before the last flush. We never got rid of Citizens United. We never controlled these corporations. As a people, we were content until just about this point as a whole. Unless everyone marches to DC. The tech bros are getting their little kingdoms.
These companies will never come back.
I mean shes not wrong, but imagine I use this to do my bullshit day job so I can work on what I really want to. I would totally use this to get some rube to pay me for a job while I GameDev or something. Or at least some excel sheet monkey could probably do that I know these can’t do my job.
That was kind of what my reply was alluding to. Notice my additions to the commenter I replied to expands his sentiments to apply to everyone.
You can customize all that with your own color scheme you get to chose. Which is kinda cool
And the smart ones are to blame, for not thinking if a societal system that can’t be snowballed by megalomaniacs. And the poors are to blame, cause fuck us.
Its fucking stupid we have to deal with megalomaniacs. This whole fucken place could be chill but no, let’s fuck shit up for made up power.
I think its time we deprecate most forms of printing. Clearly corporations cannot be trusted to operate these kinds of companies.
uncontrolled sobbing
I wonder if these can be imported. If its about the aesthetic of it in a retail ready box.
It was an American thing to do. Too many doomers today saying we’ll just get AC130’d.
Not if we actually stand up and all march to DC. Just sayin’. Nothing has ever been won by shit posting and staying home.
I can see your point. Alternatively, and I know this is precisely what people dont want to do, but you can just have multiple accounts. I do, and Jerboa makes switching between them painless. This grants me different “views” of the fediverse based on instance (as you said). I actually like this, as its more choices for me to choose what I want to see at what time.
I mean what are we arguing here? People fox holed themselves long before even the internet. People look for affirming information and topics. Its a psychological behavior you’d have to fundamentally design around which would likely result in just showing you shit you dont want to see.
I had to make my own Blood Angels death company stuff with just colors. NGL, I’m very skeptical about the best parts of this game not being completely backed apart for the 3rd round. Shareholders can’t resist selling us cosmetics. At least 2 let’s you mod it.