In Canada it’s legal to download and watch content for personal use, so it’s when it’s shared that it becomes an issue.
Just like you could record anything with a vcr, you just couldn’t share it with your friends.
In Canada it’s legal to download and watch content for personal use, so it’s when it’s shared that it becomes an issue.
Just like you could record anything with a vcr, you just couldn’t share it with your friends.
I feel like you just don’t actually know the definitions of the words you’re using here.
Don’t call someone stupid because you can’t explain your contradictory statements. You’re never going to, because they are contradictions. If every contract is a null and void at a sale, there’s no contracts to “extend” and how could you extend them ahead of time? It’s a sale, so you negotiate terms, than come back again for a sale? That makes no sense yet again dude.
How can you extend a null and void contract?
You’re contradicting yourself. I’m not confused, you’re just making no friggen sense dude because you’ve now stated multiple contradicting statements.
As specified in the term, that’s negotiated up front it doesn’t transfer. Not every contract stipulates that, and some do transfer… so there is precedence already.
You just said any sale automatically null and voids contracts, and now you’re saying it’s not and you have the option?
Sounds like a great and easy way to get out of contracts by selling yourself to yourself for $1.
Why would a contract be null and void due to a sale…? That makes no sense at all.
Gacha is the prime example to use for loot boxes.
I covered this in my original comment, thanks though I guess.
You are just ignoring that the installers can be downloaded and saved. Or even just the game directory can continue to work.
Dude, no I am not, my very first comment in this chain talked about the needing to download and store it in a non-degrading way…. Fucking hell dude lmfao.
What point are you trying to make here then if I already covered this at the very start?
How can the installers access a file that no longer exists since the servers are shut down and the files can no longer be accessed…?
My phrasing is confusing since the point literally is fucking pointless, it’s moot, doesn’t matter since it can’t be accessed licensed or not.
That’s literally the point, it’s a useless argument since it doesn’t fucking matter lmfao.
And how does that work when they close down and servers that host the games can no longer be accessed to download your license free game?
Wheter you have a revokabke license or not, you still won’t ever be able to access the game…… how do people need this explained to them? And yet use this single reason like it matters lmfao.
I didn’t know IKEA made video games?
And why does that matter? When they go out of business you can’t download even if you do or don’t have a license.
That’s why it matters.
Because you now have a game that you don’t need a license that you still won’t be able to access or play? So how does that make a single fucking difference lmfao.
That’s my point… it literally doesn’t matter that they can revoke you license or not, when the servers are down, you’re fucked regardless.
Hence why it’s a pointless argument to bring up…
What else do you think I meant here?
That’s only if you download the game and store it in a way that won’t degrade, when their servers are offline, you can’t download it anymore…
This is such a red herring reason, and I don’t know why people hold onto this like it matters, at all.
What did they do to have negative events in Canada?
Right before hitting begin the keyword. If you can stop before hitting yes that’s ideal, but in situations where it jumps out and you can’t react. Braking during impact is the worst thing you can do.
If you think I’m saying to line it up and accelerate for 200meters, I dont know what to say about that,
Conditions matter and your reaction should always be for the worst possible scenario (moose and snow), braking removes your ability to maneuver as well, and locking the brakes up which will almost always happen when you panic break, would be the worst scenario. If there’s snow or rain, braking again is right out.
If it jumps out and you can’t do anything but brake, you shouldn’t do that, you grip the wheel and maintain speed, and if you can punch the gas for the hood raise. But people panic and can’t think. So maintain speed, don’t panic and lock your brakes up.
Same for a moose? Speed up so you clear it before gravity caves your car roof.
You maintain speed, you can’t maneuver well if braking, and as stated your hood dips while braking too which can cause worse issues.
Sciences and space has used SI for ever….