I obviously don’t consider fossil fuels as an option. And I do doubt that it’s cheaper to build a nuclear plant compared do building a coal or gas fired one.
I obviously don’t consider fossil fuels as an option. And I do doubt that it’s cheaper to build a nuclear plant compared do building a coal or gas fired one.
Storing something extremely dangerous extremely safely for “some hundreds of thousands of years” doesn’t exactly sound cheap, does it?
nb4 someone laughs at us Germans for pulling out of nuclear power: No, nuclear is not cheap. It’s literally the most expensive way to generate electricity. Solar is cheap and better for the environment.
I can’t be the only one thinking this was rather a reference to “delay, deny, defend/depose”, can I?
And after all, current “AI” models are just one step on a longer way, which is what I read as the conclusion of the article.
Having lived in the Netherlands myself for some time in the past, I love these paintings so much!
It’s a bit like Escher and then again it isn’t.
What a headline…!
I already wondered if it’s a daily daily newspaper.
Idk, that pig’s pretty cute and dignified.
Little surprising from today’s point of view, ADHD was a thing already in 1881.
And back in my school days, people like me wouldn’t usually be called donkeys by their teachers, but they were indeed called lazy and/or stupid, neither of which they actually are in general.
Wtf are they talking about. (rhetorical question)
This schmuck tells the world that AI will find a solution to climate change if we were only to let it consume more coal.
We already know exactly what it would take to save the planet.
What we need is people willing to go the way wholeheartedly.
Away with this dude. He serves no purpose to society.
Thanks to this tool I could successfully retrieve the money spent on an SD card from AliExpress. (And yes, I’m a fool for buying one there in the first place.)
Well, you already told us you don’t have a dog in the very beginning if your comment. No need to repeat it.
“your” ebooks. – You never owned them in the first place. And if buying isn’t owning, questionably acquired ebooks aren’t stolen.