Tell me again how tik tok is a Chinese spy network? When they can just BUY our information like this?
Tell me again how tik tok is a Chinese spy network? When they can just BUY our information like this?
Just get “big balls” to fix it
Babe, wake up its time for your china fear mongering news
Tldr: Optional is AI slop
Sounds like someone couldn’t even program a thermostat or coffee maker
It’s open source. Trying to block it is futile now lmao
Instagram does the same thing with “dark jokes” and really weird ufo and conspiracy videos it really sucks
I wonder why?/s
It’s not like operation condor brought them prosperity.
America made this problem.
O I’m self righteous AND indignant? Man thanks for your virtue signal pointing out MY self righteousness. That’s a SUPER useful skill I’m glad only one person like you exists on the internet. /s
Tik tok is banned what a great observation /s
Short form media is still around and not banned via Instagram snapchat and YouTube shorts.
Do you need it spelled out more? More examples? More details?
Can you find a way to be smarmy?
The Greeks complained about the youth using paper instead of writing chalk on stone.
The British complained about the youth reading books.
Things change man
How can I delete my Instagram account like Facebook?
Change watch to guns and you nailed it
Jfc just tell these weirdos to work in North korea
Again, if THATS the case, then you just find your own parameters and experiment with your pwn till its right. You don’t give up on the last car on earth if you’re a mechanic and they took the battery out. You find another that’s compatible or research how you could make your own.
Saying that a “company” with “trade secrets” is just a dumb patent road block to scare off consumers
Even if it’s disabled, like do you really think they’d just install their own OS? Or find away around the part that’s disabled? Like you can still jail break an iPhone
If everything is a spy network, then nothing is