And smart TVs, doorbell cameras, robo-vacuums, etc etc.
Let’s see what this Fediverse thing is all about.
And smart TVs, doorbell cameras, robo-vacuums, etc etc.
People looks also for those, they wouldn’t have a “Cyber” event specifically for that otherwise; anyway it shouldn’t be hard, in 2025, for one of the biggest online shops, to have an internal search engine capable of discerning one product from another.
Oh come on, you could be lucky like a friend of mine who found lots and lots of Rocco Siffredi videos on a new hdd. (it was store bought though, to be honest)
Now you will tell me that it’s illegal to spam my own F5 key?
What I don’t get is HOW people shops on Amazon, their search engine is the shittiest I’ve seen in a long time: “you searched for AMD RX1234 video card; here is a RX1235, a RX1024, and another one from a completely different brand! People also searched for other that is maybe related to that”
I don’t get the downvotes, wether you call it backdoor or private API it’s a security hole, and nitpicking on its name won’t help fixing it.
In 1990 Tele+ started as a pay-tv channel which featured only movies all day long, with no advertising!. It didn’t take long for them to start having ads, although not in the middle of the movie.
Yeah but this would be like having fun building and playing around with basket-bots, and then unleashing them in the middle of a game. I don’t think anybody would find it funny…
Like Nintendo cares for the “entire game industry”; if anything, they just want to become it.
So laser ones are safe (for now)?
Makes coffe-making robot Dresses it in white mmmh
I’ve read it being defined as “victimless crime”; not that I condone it, but thinking about the energy and resources spent for such a large operation… about drawn porn? Cmon.
If only I could convert my trusty Saxo to electric car…
How about a couple rocker switches? Even cheaper.
Get out of the house, then.
Yeah, sounds like someone mentioned “it uses AI!” at the sales pitch meeting, and everyone cheered and signed immediately…
Going on a little tangent here, but it made me think: how could someone start studying now to become, say, a game dev when in some years everything could go belly up because of these mega corps shitty moves? How could they in good faith spend time and money to develop skills for such an uncertain future?
Pheeew, was expexting Junji Ito… thank god.
That’s true, but since witnessing the waves of spam that flooded Kbin before its disappearance, I try to keep an eye open for this kind of shit.
Something tells me that “catch your thoughts accurately” was the real mission all along.