It makes me optimistic - he’s fucking with the money. Change can happen real goddamn quick when someone starts fucking with the money.
It makes me optimistic - he’s fucking with the money. Change can happen real goddamn quick when someone starts fucking with the money.
The germans already had remarkably potent chemical weapons during world war 2, specifically nerve agents iirc. They went unused because nobody wanted their own guys getting doused in chemical weapons after world war 1.
I mean this is pretty standard fare for any gamers, anywhere. But I’m sure this question is being asked in good faith :)
What’s giving you trouble? Combat just takes some getting used to, but you also need to recognize when you’ve got too much heat and bail - you walk faster than the zombies, after all. Walk into the woods, do a big loop, and come back out with maybe 3-4 zeds still on your tail.
3 was great, 4’s biggest improvement was functional multiplayer. I have core memories of hunting every animal that moved from the side of a gyrocopter piloted poorly by a very inebriated bud.
Microsoft: your computer, my choice
To be fair, in that world body armor seems to be both commonplace and extremely effective.
How often does a solution need “new” code and not “basically the same code as a previous issue but with two small details changed”? This is a genuine question, I have only ever coded as a hobby. But 25% of your work being essentially just copy pasted sounds plausible, and that’s sorta all LLMs are doing, right?
muh libs aren’t left leaning
And you expect me to take anything you say after that seriously
They… don’t though? Unless you’re pretending saying “voting for [not the democratic candidate] is a vote for Trump” is now apparently right wing and not just a basic understanding of how first past the post works.
Like, your definition is both wrong in terms of what right wing means, and not even descriptive of either. They’re just not tankie shitholes so I guess that makes them look bad to you?
Neither .world nor .shitjustworks are “right leaning” they just hate the tankies most vocally lmao. Neither would it make too much sense to call a tankie “left” leaning given their raging hard on for authoritarianism. I also think most of Blahaj would be offended by being lumped in with them.
The point isn’t that we’ll never get there. The point is we sure as shit aren’t there yet.
The west
Are authoritarian regimes somehow supposed to be more opposed to using children to promote heightened surveillance?
What’s the benefit to the game of this being a draw instead of an obvious loss to white?