That’s Stellantis. It’s the same company that’s building cards that are now showing ads when the car stops at a red light.
That’s Stellantis. It’s the same company that’s building cards that are now showing ads when the car stops at a red light.
We used to call those the AI winters. Barely any progress for years until someone has a great idea and suddenly there is a new form of AI and a new hype cycle again ending I in AI winter.
In a few years, somebody will find a way that leaves LLM in the dust but comes with its own set of limitations.
They are in the end BS generation machines that are trained so much they accidentally happen to be right often enough.
Fedi could learn a lot from them.
I left Facebook because the lack of control, so I’d say Fedi learned.
And probably fired the people who were working on preventing this
And if when the AI fails, buddy billionaires will be there to offer privatized alternative, for a fee of course.
How “Les Misérables” of them. Jean Valjean got 19 years for stealing bread. 15 years is light in comparison.
It reads like the cyberpunk 2077 source material of the first corporate war, but with different names.
They saw “V for Vendetta” and figured it was all a bloody good idea.
John Spartan, you are fined one credit for violating the upvote morality statute.
these jabronis think they deserve to be the Kings of it all.
And are perfectly willing and sometimes even capable to burn the world down for the position
Old sci-fi also has computers with relais, like the computer clicking in Aliens when it’s thinking. People giving each other their iPad in Star Trek is still pretty amusing to me. Some books still describe punch cards and tapes in space ships. Hell, in Rebel Moon they were shoveling coal to power their space ship.
Because there’s always a region too far for helicopters and no landing strip for regular planes. In this twilight zone, weird things are invented.
And World War 2 began because of how things were mismanaged after World War 1
It results in a lot of performance theater. If being at your desk, key presses, mouse clicks and eye movements are the most important then you can expect a lot of long winded lists, reports and mails. There’ll be people doing thousands of things manually instead of thinking about it and automate things. So much productivity measured and nothing gets done.
Worker productivity is like holding sand. It you grab it and squeeze it hard, it just runs through your fingers and falls to the ground. But if you cup your hands and support it carefully you can hold on to much larger amounts of it.
And the things that are perfectly okay today might be the things you want to hide tomorrow. Abortions and pregnancies, thoughts about labor rights or climate, sexual orientation, …
Why no standard office drone? Also, with the red accents going on in the picture I’m seriously missing a red Swingline stapler drone, known for its incendiary power.
And preferably a bit harder to use to keep the script kiddies out.
He’s afraid of losing his little empire.
OpenAI also had no clue on recreation the happy little accident that gave them chatGPT3. That’s mostly because their whole thing was using a simple model and brute forcing it with more data, more power, more nodes and then even more data and power until it produced results.
As expected, this isn’t sustainable. It’s beyond the point of decreasing returns. But Sam here has no idea on how to fix that with much better models so goes back to the one thing he knows: more data needed, just one more terabyte bro, ignore the copyright!
And now he’s blaming the Chinese into forcing him to use even more data.