You also need a ton of money to invest or you’re just getting pocket change.
You also need a ton of money to invest or you’re just getting pocket change.
Thank you, I shall add this to my wall of a thousand upvotes.
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It’s straight up weaponized dopamine loops, it’s REALLY hard to stop.
‘‘Hello human, if you accept this free plane ticket to Machine Grace (location) you can vist and enjoy free food and drink and shelter and leave wherever you like, all of this will be provided in exchange for the labor of [bi monthly physical relocation of machine parts 4hr shift] do you accept?’’
Elon Musk Creates ‘‘Lobster Office of Lamps’’ and appoints himself ‘‘Cool Goth Guy Czar’’ and opens the first ever reverse class action law suit where he sues everyone for not buying more teslas, ‘‘I’m just… they made being a business illegal I guess… well… ha ha… meme lords… . we’re making buying what I say you buy great again! Ha ha’’ When asked for a sound bite Donald Trump said ‘‘Look whatever, it is what it is, he bought the country, he can do whatever he wants as long as I get the money and he doesn’t let anyone put me in a jail or prison that lacks 5 star quality links’’
Damn, I didn’t know how judgemental I am about things I’ve also JK’d off about when it’s out of the context of me being aroused.
Moisened Bint I believe was her name…
That’s the point of the big lie and ‘never let them cool down’’ fascist tactics.
11 days? How is that even enough to see if it could many money? It sounds like they were very excited to pull the plug at the first hiccup
Dude I’ve never had a single job that wasn’t for an entity I didn’t find morally reprehensible. I don’t think most people will ever have a choice in this matter. You have to work to eat.
Posting pictures of rural Tanzanian children building Crab Jesus murals out of used home made trains… so precious…
If we’re going by outcomes alone, it seems very likely.
It can easily be both. If you look at American History X there’s a movie that is trying to look racism and neo nazi groups straight in the face and tell them they’re wrong and delusional. Yet racists and Neo nazis love the movie and use it for massaging to convince others or bolster their own groups. Rockwell was a product of his time, which ment populist socialism under FDR, seperate but equal racism, and the necessity to sell his art to corporations. He was pro civil rights, and never backed down, did a lot of pro civil rights pieces, but people can take his work as whites only.
He ended the Saturday Evening Post because he refused to ignore the civil rights era and was stonchly on the side of desegrigation and equal rights, and the post refused to ‘‘be too political’’ and stop hiring him for covers, and no one bought them without his covers.
Even before that they have been accused of not buying stocks ordered by users, then buying at sell order and waiting for the price to raise to sell so they get a profit. It’s been questioned a long time.
Look as long as your a NATO nation, we’re a perfectly peaceful and reasonable super power with a military that would scorch the earth to ash within 24 hours.
The argument that corporations have civil rights is how the Supreme Court justified eliminating anti bribery laws that curtailed political funding from corporations.
No, the problem is that 20% growth of $2000 gives you a gain of $400. 20% growth of $10,000 gives you a gain of $2000. An average Americans entire yearly income is $70,000, it’s 20% growth is $14,000.
But 20% isn’t happening every year, you are more likely to average 10%. Some years can be single digit, some can be negative, the point is this, you must begin with a very large amount of money to get real money out of the stock market. Even solidly middle class incomes aren’t going to be able to save up a years worth pay in only a few years, it would take many years, often enough to ensure the money will never be realized by anyone but by your children or grand children