My understanding was that this little 6 man team did work on the game in an r&d role, testing stuff for levels, characters etc. So they weren’t a useless team, but I doubt they were as big a deal as the media is making out.
My understanding was that this little 6 man team did work on the game in an r&d role, testing stuff for levels, characters etc. So they weren’t a useless team, but I doubt they were as big a deal as the media is making out.
Rust makes multi threading very easy you can just use
But rust makes Async difficult because it’s naturally stackless so you need to create your own scheduler or use someone else’s like Tokio. Also, people have a bad habit of conflating async with concurrency which makes it more confusing.
“You can turn it off”, “it’s an optional feature”, they didn’t even last a year! What ever happened to slowly boiling the frog?
I guess that’s meant to be 2025 since the graph is projected? Pretty funky screw up though.
I don’t know where “software engineer” started but in Australia engineers have to study for years and then do a minimum amount of study every year to keep their license. Which we don’t have to do. I’ve always been weirded out by Software Engineer even though it seems to be becoming more common.
I’ve thought about this before, I think it’s because the devs/publishers want to have their cake and eat it. They release a new game every year at full price for that up front cash then they nickle and dime you all year and then reset with a new full price game.
I’m pretty sure the amount of money EA makes from FIFA or Activision makes from COD would go down dramatically if they just had a single live service game.